St Brigid's News and Events

(Photo: Spring has Sprung!  Our first lime on the St Brigid's Lime Tree)

A Laugh from 1/2


As we head into the final week of Term 3 and our 6th week of lockdown this term we would like to add some laughter and fun to your day.


In our 1/2R Google Meets we spend a lot of time telling jokes and playing interactive games together.  Here are some of our favourite jokes.


Charlie - How do trees get online?  They just log on!

Georgina - What is God’s favourite cheese?  Swiss - because it is holey!

Torin - What is a witch’s favourite subject in school?    Spelling!

Isabella - What animal drops from the clouds?  A Raindeer!

Flynn - What type of key do you need to open a banana?  A monkey!

Georgia - What do you call a snowman crossed with a vampire?   A frostbite!

Eva - How do you get a squirrel to like you?  Act like a nut!

Patrick - A big footy fan claimed to be able to tell the score before the game. How did he do it?   The score before any footy game is 0:0!


We have also been exploring alliterations! This is where most of the words in a sentence start with the same sound.


Here are some of our examples 


Mason - My mum makes me muffins.

Gemma - Giggling Gemma gives a Goofy Grin.

Jye - Red robots run really randomly.

Adam - An alligator and an ant were angry at an antelope. 

Louise - Saxon swam in the salty sea.

Angus -Silly sloths swing 

Briar - A slow sloth slipped on soggy soil. Click here to see Briar Reading her alliterations.

Alliteration Ice Cream Flavours

Elodie - Mango Macaroni Mandarin Magic

Abhiti - Strawberry Sorbet Squeeze.

Sienna - Milkshake Macaroni Monster

Sabine - Carrot Cream Crush


We have also been tapping into our creative side and responding to some stories.  Asher, Josh and Dash recreated the habitat of Nala the Koala.



Foundation 2022 Storytime


Thanks Sean and Pip for sending in your beautfiul work from our recent Storytime session.  We can't wait to see you at school soon!

