Learning and Teaching

Term 2 Art

This term the Seniors completed their fabulous self-portraits in the style of a chosen artist and went for a gallery walk along the central corridor to view all the terrific pieces.  There were a lot of great comments about the different artworks.  Currently, the students are working on a printing project, creating their own patterned paper using gel plates (a fun and creative way to print).  In this task, they had to carefully consider colour, and mix these using only primary colours.  There have been some spectacular papers created.  The students will use these to create a collage of a stylised animal of their choice.  I can’t wait to share these with you when they have been finished. 


The Juniors this term have worked on an art piece connected to our production Jessie in the Jungle. They listened to the Carnival of the Animals and using different mediums created artworks of animals that they imagined from the music.  There were lots of fabulous animals created.  Currently the students are working on a collage of their production animal.  They have sketched their animal from models or photos, created their own painted papers using different tools, cut out their animals and now are ready to add these to their backgrounds.  Once these are finished they will be displayed around the school. 


In the video are snapshots of some of the children at work and some of the senior self-portraits. 



Just a reminder that if your child does not have an art smock could you please organise one for them.


Visual Arts. 


Monkeys created by Group RJ
Monkeys created by Group RJ

Zart Art Student Competition   


Zart Art, one of the art supply companies the school uses to purchase art materialS, are having their student art competition.  



If you child is interested please check out the details on their website.  


This is a great opportunity for students to create fabulous art pieces on the theme Our Celebration of Australia. 





This week the senior students have set a great example by making a smooth transition into remote learning. For their online learning task, the senior students have been investigating and collecting data about the different electronic devices in their homes. 


They used this data to fill in a table and create a graph using Google Sheets. 


It was wonderful to see the students engaged with their online learning, showing enthusiasm and persistence and uploading lots of fantastic work. 


Well done seniors! 

Logan Wilson

Digi-tech/ICT Specialist Teacher


P.E. News



Unfortunately due to the Melbourne lock down, the Summer Lightning Premiership will not be able to go ahead next Wednesday. Due to restriction on time, it will not be rescheduled.



Divisional Cross Country has also been cancelled next Wednesday due to the continued lock down. There is a possibility it could be rescheduled and further information will be provided once available.



Unfortunately the Junior Football clinics due to take place next week have been cancelled. We hope to be able to organise alternative dates once the lock down has ended.


Keep safe everyone. We hope to see everybody soon.


Giuliana & Lulli