Education in Faith

Sacramental News 

Due to the recent COVID restrictions, we will need to wait patiently to receive further clarity with regards to numbers and dates.


All these dates are pending as we await further Government announcements.


Eucharist - Parent and Child Workshop Group Sessions – 

Wednesday 9th June 2021

 Via Zoom


5 pm 6.30 pm


Eucharist Mass Groups  –  Sunday 20th June 2021~ Pending

9 am Mass 11 am Mass
Reconciliation for Eucharist Candidates will take place on Wednesday, 18th June at St. Kevin’s Parish. 
Grade 6 - Sacrament of Confirmation


Family Workshop - 

Tuesday, August 31st at 7pm at SFS 


Confirmation Reflection Day - 

Tuesday, October 5th at St. Kevin’s with Rev Brendan Hayes


Sacrament of Confirmation - 

Friday, 15th October, at St. Kevin’s Church at 7 pm

Feast of Corpus Christi - Year B

In the beginning of this week’s Gospel, Mark describes the words and actions of Jesus at the Last Supper. At the Passover, Jesus carefully instructed his disciples to make preparations for this meal. Like most meals, the Passover meal required planning and preparation. Scripture scholars believe that the words meant by Mark was to help the early Christian community to understand the Eucharist. It also helps us understand that Jesus gave his disciples a way of remembering him through the bread and the wine ~ his Body and his Blood. The Last Supper was a special meal that the disciples of Jesus would never forget. Jesus’ actions—the breaking of the bread, the sharing of the cup, the washing of the feet—drew the attention of the disciples. While they did not fully understand Jesus’ words—“Take it; this is my body” and “This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many”—they could sense that there was something very special taking place.


Our celebration of the Eucharist also requires planning and preparation. The ministers at the Eucharist prepare for their roles: the person presiding prays and prepares the homily; the prayers of petition are written; the music ministers prayerfully select music and practice it before Mass; Eucharistic ministers, lectors and altar servers prepare carefully for their roles. As the worshiping assembly, we can also prepare for the Mass through our prayer, by reading the Scripture before Mass, and by making ourselves present to the Eucharistic celebration.


Notice how Jesus instructed his disciples to prepare for their special Passover meal. All meals require some kind of planning and preparation; so, too, our Sunday Eucharist requires planning. 



In light of this week’s Gospel emphasises on preparing for and sharing a meal. Invite all your family members to take part in setting the table; preparing the food; As we gather together as a family, let us take the time to talk about some of the things that are required to prepare a family meal. 

Choose one or more ideas to begin to implement together as a family. 

Plan together a special Sunday meal by choosing the menu, preparing the shopping list, and assigning duties for cooking, setting the table, preparing decorations, leading the prayers, and cleaning. Sometimes the busy schedules of our daily lives often intrudes on this important daily ritual of sharing a meal, conversation, and time together. Mealtime should be a holy time, a gathering where all are welcome to share dreams, discussing hopes, joys, and struggles of the day. 


Discussion Starters

What can I do to create time for this in my family’s daily routine? 

How can I involve all family members in the preparation for and celebration of a daily meal together? 

How can I make family mealtime a holy time, a joyful time, a prayerful time, and a memorable time?

What can I do along with my family to better prepare for our celebration of the Eucharist?


Pray together that God will help our families make the celebration of mealtime and Eucharist the highlight of our week. 

Let us pray together the Lord’s Prayer.


God Bless


Rozeta Ambrose