Buyer Beware!

Crime Prevention Leadership Team

If you buy from an online store... Don’t leave your package at the door!

Online shopping is convenient, but having your deliveries stolen from your doorstep is not. More than ever we are turning to online shopping with retailers closed or travel restrictions. We should absolutely be supporting online or small businesses, but we need to be doing so in a safe manner.  


In the last month, we’ve had computer accessories, a new doona, a gift package from overseas, jewelry, medicine, Hello Fresh boxes and kitchen appliances stolen from our doorsteps.


All it takes is one opportunity. One package left abandoned and in plain sight on a doorstep. Don't give them that chance!  


There are two effective, easy ways to prevent package theft:

  • If you are expecting a delivery, make sure someone is at home to collect it promptly.
  • If you know you’re not going to be home, have it redirected to your post office. If you spend the extra 10 minutes picking it up from there you won’t spend the next 10 hours reporting it stolen and trying to get your money back.

 Don’t let it happen to you, or your neighbours. If you see something, SAY something!


 Crime Prevention Leadership Team