Technology and Applied Studies

Year 7

Term 2 has seen Year 7 begin their introduction to Technology at Mater Dei. Classes are working towards completing projects in the specific areas of Agriculture/Food Technologies and Digital Technologies in the Technology Department, progressing through the program for that area. The DigTech students are creating a product using Illustrator and the laser cutter, while the AgFo groups are planting  vegetables and making burgers.



Year 8

Catapult Engineering 

Term 2 has seen Year 8 students utilizing their understanding of engineering to design and experiment with their very own catapult. Focusing on the basics of force, motion and energy, a variety of catapults are being constructed using paddle pop sticks and rubber bands. Distance testing has seen ping pong balls reaching an extraordinary 10.2 metres! 


Mixed Materials - Textiles Toy Monsters 

Students have been designing a textiles Toy Monster Project. The project also incorporates LED Lights through the use of conductive thread. Students have enjoyed the fine motor skills used in stitching and the opportunity to design an original project. 


Mixed Materials - Laser Cut Night Light 

This term the students moved onto their new unit where they are designing and making an Illustrator modeled laser light. They are gaining skills in Adobe Illustrator, which is an Industry standard program. As well, students are using a laser cutter, hand tools in the woodworking shops and building their skills in working both in a team and individually.


Year 9 


Our Year 9 students have finished their Four Joint Frame project and will start working on a serving tray project over the next few weeks. This will allow them to explore timber joinery and laser design. 



Students have been learning about Food Equity this term.They are investigating people who have limited access to food and how this impacts on health. Their practical tasks have included cooking an equity cake, making pancakes while blind folded and collecting water from across the College to cook rice. 



Students are about to start their campfire BBQ project, which will include a number of new metal working techniques such as Metal Inert Gas (MIG) and Oxy welding and plasma cutting.



Students are mid-way through their Poultry Production unit and have all been successful in caring for day-old laying chicks as part of their assignment. As the cold weather approaches, students will utilise our greenhouse to speed up the growth of our winter vegetables.


Information Software Technology (IST)

Students have been looking at Artificial Intelligence this term. They have investigated machine learning, self-driving cars, the Turing Test and John Conway’s Game of Life. Students are now working on a spreadsheet project for simulating both earning and saving money.



Students have been working on their laser cut projects. Students have learnt how to use Illustrator and the process behind making a 2D object appear to have 3D features. Once complete, the students will be presenting their idea and project to the class.


Year 10 


Year 10 Timber class has completed their Clock project and will start working on a student negotiated cabinet project as we move towards the end of the term. The majority of the students will be making a dart board style cabinet however, some students are pushing the boundaries and attempting to produce a lure cabinet, a shoe cabinet, a sliding dart board and a tennis racket cabinet.



Students have looked at Food for specific food needs of groups in our society. Practical tasks include taste testing baby food, different milks and gluten free foods as well as constructing a Char Grilled Beef Salad.



The Year 10 Agriculture class has been running their own cropping trials at school as part of their assessment task. They are testing different planting factors (fertilizer usage, sowing depth, sowing density), and assessing what impact these have on the actual plant growth. 



Most students have almost completed their motorbike quick lift and are beginning the painting process, while some are finalising all components and the assembly process. Students have the opportunity to design and produce a project of their own choice for their next task, which is always an interesting and creative time.


Design and Technology 

Students have been developing a model house to suit the Australian climate. This process has seen students using the laser cutter, 3D printers and cutting and joining timber together to create their scale model house. Once complete, the students will have the opportunity to design a project of their choice which they will be working on next semester which is very exciting.


Stage 6

Design and Technology 

The Year 11 Design and Technology class have continued to work on their Minor Design Project. Students have been designing a solution to a selected problem. The students have begun to create a portfolio that will include areas that they need to investigate, drawings and prototypes to solve a problem. 


The Year 12 Major Design Portfolios are well under way.  The ideas are flowing and we are beginning to prototype with research and testing taking place. Once again, this year's cohort is on some exciting challenges to solve real world problems.



Year 11 Agriculturehas completed their plant production unit after setting up their own planting trial at the College with tillage radish and barley. This will be maintained and monitored throughout the year to see the effect of sowing density on plant growth. 

In the classroom, students are currently learning about reproductive systems and the ways in which farmers can maximize fertility. 


Year 12 Agriculture students are completing their Farm Product Study unit which focuses on the production, marketing and technologies involved in beef production. As part of the unit, students learn about the various ways beef can be marketed as different products for consumers.  


Ms Nicole Lane | TAS KLA Leader