P to the E with Leigh

This term the focus has been Olympic Sports. We have finished trials for the High Jump, Long Jump and relay teams and sprints. Keith Howden, the athletics coach has been working with groups of children to improve their technique and skills in their chosen sports. The improvement in the children in year 3/4 has been dramatic as they have had Keith working with them for two years. The final trails will be in the discuss/shot put and hurdles. The children have had a chance to practice their skills and consider whether they would like to try out for those events. I have also been encouraging children across all the grades take the opportunity to practise at lunchtimes with Keith particularly the athletics and basketball sessions that he has organised. 


The lockdown has been disruptive to events but the focus across the district has been to try for every opportunity to reschedule events. The younger grades have been focused on ball skills and hand eye coordination. The children have enjoyed also revisiting games that they already play with the disruptions. The focus has been normalisation and encouraging the students to be active and involved. 


The focus for the end of term is to build routines across all the grades. The focus for this term is fundamental motor skills, athletics and building fitness across all the year levels.