
It is fantastic to have our students back at school.  During lockdowns and when onsite we embrace our Wellbeing programs of Respectful Relationships, Zones of Regulation, I am Deadly, Find my Five and Wayapa.


It was wonderful to have an inbox full of hugs from the book that I sent via compass during lockdown.  If you missed it follow the link below.


Hugs Book


We are continuing to investigate a psychologist on site for families that wish to have this service and will let you know if we manage to secure one.


Thank you for all of your support for our students, teachers and community.

Please call, email or contact me via compass if you have any concerns regarding Wellbeing,



Student Voice @ TPS 


Why I think people should not swear

By Valentine


What is this about?

I really think people should not swear, no seriously I hate it. I have heard so many people swear.  Sooo many, in just one day and to top it all off I’m just 11 in grade 6 going to primary school. Now for the adults out there, I know you can’t imagine a whole school prep to grade 6 swearing, well I can because I basically hear it all day. Now I might be overreacting a bit but I’m not lying l really do hear people swear all the time my friends swearing to each other, or even just them swearing to no one for no reason but to look cool and older. I hope that you will want to make the point that swearing is bad by the end of this piece!


People can hear you

People can hear you swear and when they do they might want to swear as well thinking it is cool and fun. Without knowing it you might be teaching heaps of people that swearing is ok and that it is even like I said before fun and cool, which it is definitely not. People can also hear you and it might hurt them which I will talk more about later.


Words mean things 

Swear words mean bad things I won’t even start to explain what they mean there just to be Horrible. You might think they’re harmless just a little mean and wrong but really there like I said horrible. If you need you can look up what they mean but it is probably better if you don’t but I’m not stopping you it might just freak you out a bit but people should know what they actually do. Saying swear words randomly and for no reason is not good because well they mean things.


People can get hurt 

People can get hurt by swear words because of what they mean. saying things randomly and for no reason is not good because they do mean things like I said before. And without knowing you are hurting people. Yelling a swear word at someone is not a good idea because it will hurt many people.


Do you get it now?

Do you get it now? Do you understand how horrible swear words are well I hope you do? And the fact that someone actually decided to create these words is crazy I mean why? Why create words that mean Such horrible things.