Leadership Centre


Selamat siang!


We are now in the second half of the Term with many exciting and engaging learning opportunities still on the horizon. Yes, circumstances have changed in the short term due to Covid, but we have our fingers crossed that these events will still be able to go ahead uninterrupted.


Last week, there were opportunities for students to be challenged in their learning across a range of subjects. In Reading and Viewing, students analysed a range of persuasive articles, focusing on the author’s purpose and target audience. Class discussions also allowed students to give their opinion based on the information within the discussed article and give reasons to justify their stance. A life-long skill is that we can still respect each other’s opinions even if we may not always agree with it. Attention was also given to the use of modal verbs within selected articles and students were able to apply this knowledge when working through student led tasks. The listening- post task focusing on ‘Mackaroy Uncovered’ has also been a highlight during reading sessions. Students created a mind map to brainstorm how the author created tension using the senses and literary devices.

During writing sessions, students have been applying the TEEL strategy in their own writing pieces, by analysing and highlighting different persuasive articles. The TEEL strategy is an effective strategy for structuring paragraphs to ensure that they are persuasive, purposeful and engaging for the reader. TEEL stands for Topic Sentence, Evidence, Elaboration and Link. Students also spent time structuring their conclusions, and experimented with three techniques, ‘Link to opening’, ‘Paint a word picture’ (Show, Don’t tell), and ‘Call to Action’  to ensure they ended with impact. These are three very effective techniques to use when structuring a conclusion in a persuasive piece as it helps to persuade the reader and encourage them to act in a positive way.


The main focus in Mathematics last week was working through a range of subtraction equations using a variety of strategies. Students have been learning and practising a range of mental strategies to build their fluency when calculating equations and to use the vertical strategy when subtracting up to 6 digit numbers. Students have been working through star tasks that cater to their current level of understanding and proficiency. Selected students have also been working through the Australian Maths Trust Challenge questions as part of our Enrichment Program at MPRPS. This will recommence when students are back at school. 



Last Tuesday was a very busy day for a number of reasons. On this day a number of students ventured to Ruffey Park to compete in the District Cross-Country Competition. By all reports, it was a successful day with 16 students (see photo) progressing onto the Division level of competition (which was scheduled for Monday 31st May but will be postponed until further notice). We thank Mrs. Butterworth for organising the day and Miss Gasowski, Mr. Burrill and a number of parents for supervising students on the day.


While the Cross-Country Competition was underway, the students remaining at school worked through a range of mathematical tasks that required them to draw and plot shapes onto the Cartesian Planes. This culminated in the planning and creation of a treasure hunt, using the map, clues and coordinates to help navigate others around the school. 


Last Tuesday also saw our school leaders venture into the city to participate in the Grip Student Leadership Conference. The GRIP conference is unique in that it concentrates specifically on training student leaders for their role as school leaders. The GRIP website expresses their main goal of the day that: ‘student leaders would leave our conference with a clear vision, a solid understanding and dozens of ideas for their time as a leader.’ We look forward to the feedback and leadership strategies that the participating leaders will share to the rest of the Year 5/6 students in the coming weeks.

Last Thursday, classes had an opportunity to walk through the Art Show exhibition to view the wide range of art pieces on display from Foundation to Year 6. This was to be the highlight for parents and family members as part of the Open Night, but due to developing circumstances in the Melbourne area, it had to be postponed. Have you viewed the online video on Instagram that Ms. Uhlendorf uploaded? We thank Ms. Uhlendorf for her hard work in overseeing and organising the Art Show this term.



Because of the current lockdown students are not required at school until Friday this week. Please keep up to date with notifications and messages from the school about any changes or extensions to the lockdown this week. We are hoping that onsite learning will be able to recommence this Friday. In the meantime, each class will be conducting check-ins via Zoom at 9am each morning (as occurred last Friday). Please ensure that your child has logged in by 8:50am so that everyone is ready by 9am. Students have access to a choice board which is full of literacy, numeracy, wellbeing and fitness activities.



Stay safe and have a great week!

The Leadership Centre

Student Voice- 

  • Shriya M - "The grip leadership conference was really fun and taught us all about leadership" 
  • Cadie S - "Last week was really fun because of cross-country. It was fun racing other people in our district." 
  • Emma H - "The GRIP Leadership Conference was lots of fun and we learnt so many things about leadership (and thanks for the free food/drinks Miss Campbell and Miss Walker!)."
  • Sophie R - "I loved looking at the Art Show! It was so cool to see everyone's artwork. I also liked how Mrs. Uhlendorf put multiples of my art up"


  • Whitehorse Division Cross Country day: Monday 31st June at Ruffey Park Lake. Selected students from District Cross Country day to participate (POSTPONED)
  • 5/6 Winter Gala Day: Tuesday June 8th
  • 5/6 Camp Coonawarra: Tuesday June 15th-Friday June 18th

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Brandon K -

Congratulations Brandon, on achieving a highly commendable result at your District Cross-Country event. To come 3rd place out of a group of around 60 boys your age is a great achievement and one you should be very proud of. Good luck in your Division race coming up!


5/6C: Emma O - 

For successfully articulating your next steps and understandings during our Maths 'I can statement' portfolio task. You worked diligently when providing evidence on how you can focus on your next goal. Amazing effort Emma 


5/6SB: Witcha C - 

For displaying a positive attitude and love of learning during Maths. Witcha, it has been great to see you working hard on your Maths goal and challenge yourself. Keep up the great effort!


5/6W: Shaun F -

For demonstrating the character strength of perseverance and love of learning when creating a Sizzling Start for your persuasive text. You did well to verbalise some great ideas on how to engage your audience. Well done, Shaun!