Principal's Message

Term 2 Week 7

Art Show

Turtles, photographs, paintings and collages were all on display for our second ever Art Show. Congratulations to Ms Gabby Uhlendorf and our amazing students for all the work they put into not only the art work but framing, backing and displaying the work. We had work from every students including our OSH Club and Kindergarten groups.

Please check our Instagram for a virtual tour hosted by Ms Uhlendorf! Well done Gabby on your flexibility and adaptability.

GRIP Leadership Conference

The GRIP Student Leadership Conference is unique in that it concentrates specifically on training student leaders for their role as school leaders. The style, topics, and content of this conference all focus on what the students can do across the year and is a valuable experience for students to draw on to develop their action plans.

This year we attended the conference with a number of our student leaders who came back brimming with ideas for their time as a leader.

Check-ins and Learning from Home

I want to take the opportunity to thank our community for all their support, already. We know that this is a very challenging time but it was amazing to see so many students connecting over their check ins!

We will conduct check-ins every morning and provide a choice board of learning tasks for all learning centres across this lock down. 

These tasks are optional as you may make a decision as a family to enjoy and participate in other learning activities. 

As communicated last week we recognise the challenges of Remote Learning and wish to provide support for all families, for those who wish to engage fully in Remote Learning for this short period and for those who wish to follow a different ‘learning at home’ program. 

Staff spent time on Friday preparing the Remote Learning program to run from Tuesday 1st June. There will be choice boards and Guided Inquiry tasks in Years 3-6. Similarly in F-Year 2 there will be a choice board of learning tasks. Specialist programs have added tasks to the choice boards also.

The choice boards were a popular method of engaging and providing learning tasks to students in previous lock downs. 

We are very aware of the disruption to our programs and will make every effort to catch this time up. 

We would also encourage students and families to make use of our MPRPS Learning@Home website and use the links on this site to support learning from home. 

Daily Check-ins (It is a requirement that we monitor attendance even through lock downs): 

Foundation: 10.00am Google Meet – all students received log in details on Thursday.

Year 1/2: 9.30am Google Meet – all families will receive links and log ins via Sentral from class teachers.

Year 3-6: 9.00am Zoom – teachers will provide links through Google Classroom.

By Claire S
By Claire S

Thank you Education Support Staff

We know how lucky we are at MPRPS and sometimes it's nice to acknowledge the people who help make our teaching and learning easier. Their patience and humour are so much a part of everything we do we can sometimes forget how much they do. So we took the opportunity of ES Week and Day to express our gratitude to our wonderful ES with a video from the students, class cards, morning tea and Pupil of the Week awards! Thank you Sue and Ally and Mrs Naismith, Mrs Jones, Mrs Mabian, Miss Kitteringham, Mrs Adamopoulos, Mrs McDonald, Mrs Gil and Mrs Giles for everything you do!

Special Lunch Returns

A huge thank you to Flip and Jess from our P&F who parceled and distributed our Special Lunches from Bakers Delight. It's been many years since we were able to have a Special Lunch - there is something special about Special Lunch! Moving through the school there is a real community feel as we indulge in the same lunch together. If you get a chance - say hello and thank you to Greg from Bakers Delight in Brentford Square - I think its the biggest order he has ever done!

Congratulations Cross Country Competitors

Running Club and our own Physical Education preparation through the whole School Cross Country, which starts at Foundation running their course around the school, must be having an impact. Thank you to Mr Hamish Burrill and Mrs Treesje Butterworth and Mrs Emily Embery for allyour work. We have sixteen students making it through to Division from the District competition last Wednesday.

Student Attitudes to School Survey

Every year we participate in the Annual Student Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS) for all children from year 4 - 6.  We value student voice as a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and were going to conduct the survey this week. We will now have students complete this at another time before the end of term.

Friday Uber Assembly

With so many changes across the week with our Art Show in the hall, parents unable to attend and then Friday a learning from home day - we adapted and made sure all students received their awards through Uber Assembly!