Out and About

EID Festival
The Eid Festival has been postponed. We are hoping to perform the event later in the year if we are able to.
The students are also working with Mr Duell to come up with a new design concept for the current RUOK wall. They are considering the theme of Inclusion and Diversity. A team of Year 9 and 10 artists will work with Mr Duell and MultiPride to bring about a new design by the end of this term.
Senior Formal
The Formal Team have decided to postpone Senior Formal to a later time in Term 3 due to the COVID restrictions. A new date will be announced when the Cranbourne Secondary Formal Team are able to confirm with the venue management.
The SRC are planning a fund raiser for the Guide Dogs association.
It will involve all forms and form captains contributing to this event over a three-day period in mid-June.
Rugby Jersey
The senior students are also looking at some designs for a rugby jersey. They will be asking for feedback when PSW deliver them next week.
MultiPride Leadership opportunities for students
MultiPride meet on a regular basis
Where: W4
When: Every Wednesday at lunchtime
Time: 1:25 pm - 2:10 pm
Multipride promotes the following principles within the school:
- No Bullying
- No Racist comments or stereotyping
- Co-operation with others
- Making people feel welcome and safe within the school
- To be inclusive of others and not be exclusive
- Celebrate Multiculturalism
Please see Mr Massouris if you require further information.