Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Students and Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you all well. Term 2 has again provided our students and staff with the opportunity to show their resilience and commitment to learning and supporting one another.
Onsite or remote – our focus remains on learning and supporting our students. We are all relieved and thankful to be back onsite after another period of remote and flexible learning. The ability for our staff, students and families to shift between these ways of working has been a credit to all. I would especially like to thank our families for their support of students and the College to make these shifts as smooth as possible.
The most recent remote and flexible learning period came at an interesting time in our assessment calendar and the ability for staff and students to adapt quickly, allowing for minimal disruption to student learning and assessment was highly commendable.
Students in Years 7 to 10 have been able to complete Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) with only minor delays. Our senior students have returned to on site classes smoothly with the year 11 VCE students completing mid-year exams.
I am very proud of the work of the College staff through these challenges as they have been able to remain focused on student learning and achievement while also supporting the social and emotional needs of students.
Cross Country success
Congratulations to our cross-country runners for their recent success at the Division level. Their commitment, teamwork and stamina shone through in winning the overall first place. This was filled with numerous individual achievements across multiple year levels. A full list of student achievements is listed on the Inter School Sport page.
Cultural Understanding and Safety Training (CUST)
The Department of Education and Training has been providing this professional learning for schools over the last few years. The Cultural Understanding and Safety training focuses on building understanding of indigenous culture and how this understanding can support a more inclusive school environment. The training is part of the DET Marrung initiative. Cranbourne Secondary College completed this training on Friday 11th of June. While it conflicted with the return to onsite learning announcement, I felt it was important to keep the commitment to this training – COVID had previously disrupted it from occurring in 2020. Thanks to all for your understanding. See the Marrung Intiative news article for DET information on the Statewide Marrung Initiative.
As part of the Gym and performing arts redevelopment an indigenous garden will be included in between the two areas. This aspect of the project will provide excellent curriculum development opportunities for our College.
School review and strategic plan
The school review report is now completed and will be available on the College website before the end of the term. Staff spent time on our professional learning day on Friday 11th June engaging with the report and accompanying strategic plan. I will be using this newsletter as a way of keeping the community informed of how the strategic plan shapes and informs our work at the College over the coming months and years.
Pathways and subject selection
We are heading into the course counselling and subject selection period for our middle years students. This always a busy time for our students and families as they negotiate the details of course selection. Our Year 10 students are faced with some of the bigger questions regarding their pathway direction as they select a course for their final 2 years of school. I am confident that the range of resources assembled by the College will be of great benefit for our students and families as they work through this process. I would encourage all of our students to make the most of the opportunities that the College provides to support them through this time. I would also encourage any parents or families to contact the College if they have any concerns.
Gym and Preforming arts upgrade
These works are well and truly underway and are on schedule for completion as planned. For the Gym, this is early in 2022 and for the performing Arts this is July of this year. While there has been some challenges through wet and wild weather the contractors, architects and our facilities team has been working cooperatively to ensure all remains on track. When I last checked there are now the beginnings of new walls in the performing arts area and part of the huge concrete slab for the gym had been poured. I am very excited to be a part of these important works for our students.
Thanks again for your support of the College.
David Caughey
College Principal