Deputy Principal Report

              Matthew Mooney

Dear Parents,

It has been a great start to the term with students showcasing their talents and participating in activities across the spectrum of the curriculum.


From the fantastic artistic display of talent at our Stomp concert, to sporting pursuits at the Cross Country and Senior Interschool Sports, to fostering our students faith at the Family Reconciliation Night, it has been a great example of the way the St Cecilia's Community nutures our students in so many aspects of their development.


Swimming Lessons

Another important part of our program is our Intensive Swimming Program which will take place in weeks 4 and 5 of this term. Details of the program, which is for students from Foundation to Year 4, were sent out on Skoolbag earlier this week.


If there are any parents yet to fill out the permission form, please click on the button below.


Please note that you need to fill out one copy of the form for each child you have that will be participating in the program.


One other reminder to please send $10 in an enclosed, labeled envelope to the office if you wish to purchase a swimming cap from the swimming school. 

Each child must have a swimming cap, but you are most welcome to provide your own.


Next week the year 3 & 5 students will be participating in the NAPLAN testing. These assessments provide one source or information about the students learning in reading, writing, language conventions and mathematics. This year the students will be completing most of the assessments online. The students have been very well prepared by their teachers and have been given several opportunities to become familiar with the new format.

If you have any queries about NAPLAN please contact Matthew Mooney who will be acting as the school's NAPLAN Co-ordinator. 

If students are away during the week they will have an opportunity to do the missed assessments on Friday.

Whole School Photo - Make Up Photos - Thursday May 12

On Thursday next week Advanced Life Photography will be returning to take the following photos:

  • Retake the Year 5/6 class photos (due to high level of absences from COVID on original photo day)
  • Portrait Photos for students who were away on original photo day
  • Yr 6 Leadership Group Photos
  • Yr 6 and Foundation Buddy Group Photo
  • Whole School Photo

If students can please wear their normal school uniform on this day. Year 6's are to wear their sports uniform so that they can all wear their special Year 6 polo tops.


We will also be sending home photos ordered by families next week, however Year 5/6 orders will not be available yet as the photogrpahers have held off printing these orders until they can retake the 5/6 class photos.


Term 2 Parent Planners

These documents provide parents with an outline of the curriculum that will be covered this term. The links below will take you to the planners for the different year levels. These planners will also be posted on the Skoolbag App.



Kind regards,

Matthew Mooney

Deputy Principal