What's Happening?



The Year 5 /6 students had an enjoyable Robogals session with Monash University students. Robogals Monash is a  student-run organization that aims to encourage more young women to pursue STEM career opportunities, with a particular focus on engineering. The St Cecilia's students loved using coding to program their 'robots' to move around the classroom. There are certainly some future robotic engineers amongst the Year 5 / 6s!




The year 5/6 students have started their winter interschool sports competition, completing the first two round with some great results and a lot of fun had by all the kids.

Despite a venue mix for the soccer and softball teams in round one, all the teams made a great start against Glen Iris Primary.

Round two was played on home turf against Camberwell South. There was great improvement acrosss the board, with both the netball teams and the soccer team winning and the softball team taking it down to the wire.

Look out for some more team reports from our Year 5/6 students in coming newsletters.