Year 6 News

Year 6 Writing Pieces

ANZAC Ceremony

On the 27th on April  we had our school Anzac service. The service began at 10am. We were lucky to have Grant Coultman-Smith speak and tell us about the Anzac spirit. 6A & 6B students spoke about events that occurred during the World Wars and other conflicts. 


The group that I was in spoke about Villers-Bretonneux which was a town in France that Australian soldiers helped reclaim for the Allies. I really enjoyed sharing this with everyone. Anzac day will be one highlights of my final year at BNPS. 


By Oskar – 6A



We had our school Anzac Ceremony on the 27th of April. I felt so nervous sitting in front of so many people. As the first people started talking I felt not as nervous. We were lucky enough to have Mr Grant Coultman Smith come and talk to us about the Anzac spirit. We did our ceremony with the flowers being brought to the flag, our 1 minute of silence and our national anthem. 


The ceremony was beautiful and it was good to remember and pay our respects the soldiers who lost so much for us to have a good life in a safe country 


By Mackenzie – 6B



In the last week of term 1, students from 6A and 6B had to pick parts for the ANZAC Ceremony and practise them over the holidays in preparation for it. We practised them over and over again until we memorized it and could say it off by heart. 


On Wednesday the 27th of April at 10:00am the ANZAC Ceremony was held. Parents came to watch and students steamed in. After every one was settled the ceremony began. I waited for a bit and then it was my turn. I was so nervous that hands were sweating and my knees were shaking. I had finished my part, I was so relieved and happy that I was internally leaping with joy.

When the ceremony was over we got to speak with Grant Coultman-Smith and ask him questions about his time in the army. I found the answers very fascinating and he told us to support each other and look out for each other. 


All in all I really enjoyed that experience of speaking in front of everyone and I would love to do it again.


By Remy – 6B


For the ANZAC ceremony, I wasn’t very nervous because I only had a few lines to read. There were a lot of people staring at me when I spoke. I was quite proud of myself when I finished. I was speaking about the acorn trees, and about how one was sent to most Victorian Schools and about how BNPS was lucky to have one next to the basketball court.


 After everyone finished talking we had a Q & A session with Grant, a war veteran who served in Vietnam and his key message was that it’s important to have good mates and have their back. 


By Billy 6B