Year 5 News

Term 2

The Year 5 teachers welcomed back the students after a much needed and well-deserved holiday break. We hope everyone were able to take the time to relax, connect with loved ones and recharge for the new term.

House Cross Country

The Year 5s literally started the term off running by participating in the 2022 House Cross Country last Friday. The students impressed all staff and families in attendance with their performances on and off the running course. They displayed excellent resilience and grit to push through the long 3km race. Our students represented BNPS proudly outside the school, demonstrating excellent manners and behaviour throughout the duration of event.




In Maths, we have been re-exploring angles, with the students identifying the different types of angles and their properties. They were then tasked to find and label the varying angles in their names. We also re-introduced rounding and estimating numbers to the nearest whole number and decimals. This term we continue to emphasise the importance of remembering times tables and using number facts to solve problems with efficiency.  We encourage students to explore a variety of strategies when solving worded problems. 


Unit of Inquiry

For our Inquiry, we are continuing to explore our Unit of Inquiry, How the World Works, with the Year 5 classes rotating through different lessons focused on different extreme weather conditions such as Cyclones and Tornados and delving into sudden geological changes and the Earth's atmosphere.  Students have also been exploring the concept of climate change, researching the impact on the environment, humans, and animals, as well as creating posters to inform others to take action.



In the coming weeks, the Year 5 students will be completing the 2022 NAPLAN testing cycle in the areas of writing, reading, language conventions and maths. During Week 3 and 4, the students will not be completing homework tasks, however, we do expect students continue with their reading for a minimum of 3 nights each week.


Thank you to all the Year 5 students for transitioning back into the classroom, eager and ready to learn for what is set to be another exciting term.


Please enjoy some examples of the student's work in Maths.