Year 4

It’s been a busy start to Term 2 for Year 4 with Anzac Day and Cross Country!


In Literacy we’ve been working on Daily 5 and the conclusion of our Inquiry unit involved a learning writing task about a message in a bottle. This rounded off our Survivor inquiry unit well. 


Students have been learning about when to start a new paragraph (Time Topic, Person or Place changes =TIPTOP) and ways to organise our writing. We have focussed on conventions, word choice and voice in our writing too. Feedback on this task will be available over the coming fortnight. 


We have been continuing to enjoy our read to self session in the classroom and during library borrowing as well. 



We are continuing with applied maths focusing on measurement and subtraction is our number focus. Well done to those students who are making the effort to get to Early Morning Maths of a Wednesday. Although it is not compulsory and we understand it’s not practical for all families, it is a great opportunity for students to ask questions to clarify their understandings and become independent and responsible for their own learning. 



Written by Ebony
Written by Ebony

We finished our inquiry unit this week with some students surviving the jungle journey but others stuck there for a while longer! Children built their journal writing over ten long days stuck in the Amazon learning about tribal life, the animals, vegetation and ways to survive the conditions as a team. 


A great effort with some fun along the way! Here’s an example of Day 10 from Ebony G in 4B:

Ebony G
Ebony G