Year 3 News

Cross Country


On Friday, 29 April we had the Cross Country. We raced almost 2km.


It was very tiring and hard work, but we all successfully finished and had a great day.

The Year 3 students had an awesome first Cross Country. 



Written by Josh J



The cross country was very tiring and long. I am in Morey house so I got to wear blue clothes.

It was a pretty fun day.


Cooper S



On Friday we ran in the cross country. It was really fun, but it was so tiring. I was Wood House so I dressed up in Green. 


April B


Last week the Year 3’s went to a special place to run their first cross country. I was pooped after, but I was really proud of myself because I came in 13th place and just missed out on a popsicle stick. I dressed up in blue to represent Morey House. 


Written by Ebony C




Artefact Show and Tell


In year three we are learning about different cultures. 


Each of the students had to bring an artefact to show the class that represented their culture or family traditions. We grabbed a bag from the pile and guessed who brought it in then we explained why we brought it in. It was very fun and we learnt a lot about each other.   

Written by Pippa M



Last week we did a Show and Tell about culture. We had to pick an artefact that represented where we are from.


I brought Thai medicine for mosquito bites and an anklet with bells. The Thai people put these on their child’s ankle so the child doesn’t get lost. 


Written by Sumalee H


Last week we had a show and tell about culture. There were many interesting artefacts. Many of them were hard to guess who they belonged to. I learnt a lot about my classmates and where they are from.


Witten by Oliver G