Year 2 News 

Special Visitor to Year 2 

The Year 2 students had a woolly visitor on Thursday last week. Bumbles the lamb was found abandoned on the side of the road by Mr Bray on his way back from NSW.  


She is about one to two weeks old and has been eating lots of milk formula made especially for young lambs. 


The Year 2 students, Mrs Duffy and lots of staff all got to feed and pat Bumbles, who was more interested in drinking as much as she could and then sleeping under Mr Bray’s desk. 


She enjoyed her time at BNPS and at Mr Bray’s home, but has now been taken to Chesterfield Farms in Scoresby, where she will be among other cute and cuddly lambs, piglets and bunnies.  

Numeracy in Year 2 

The Year 2 students have continued to investigate telling the time to both quarter to and quarter past on both an analogue and digital clock. They have completed Maths with Someone, which is part of the Daily 3, by playing a telling the time board game and Time Match (Quarter hour). 


They have created their own time for a mini book called “What’s the Time Mr Wolf?, by writing clues to explain where the minute hand (big hand), and little hand (the hour hand) points, whether the time was an am or pm time and by writing the time in words. They also had to draw the correct hands on the analogue clock and write the corresponding digital time. 


Then the children individually read their clues and the rest of students had to make the time described on their own clocks and write the digital time. We then talked about how they knew they had made the correct time and showed the time on the interactive clock. The children also had the opportunity to practise their telling the time by playing various interactive games on the laptops/ipads. 


For the area of statistics and probability we are looking at making and interpreting information on graphs and the different ways that data can be shown. We brainstormed all the things/words that the children knew to do with data/graphing and watched a brainpop video on tally marks and bar graphs. As a class we created a graph about our favourite sports and had to label it correctly with the title, sports names and numbers to correspond with the number of students that selected that sport. 



This week the students have enjoyed learning about the 5Ws: What, Why, When, Who and Where during our writing session. The 5Ws are five questions beginning with the letter W that readers ask themselves to help them comprehend texts.  Therefore, we need to teach students to include information in their texts that answer the five W questions.   


Who is it about? Usually describes the character’s appearance and personality. 

What happened? What are the character’s doing or what are the main events. 

When did the main event happen? Description of when the main events take place. This can be the season, year, month or generic timings such as one morning or long ago. 

Where did it take place? Is a description of the setting and includes sensory details to create images in the reader’s mind. 

Why the events happened? Usually relates to a character’s motivation. 


The students worked hard to complete a 5W template about their weekend with as much detail as possible.  


Yesterday we completed a lesson on Sentence Stretching. This strategy uses  who, what, when, where and why questions to help students write longer, more detailed sentences.  


For example: 

My puppy ate a bone uses who and what questions. 

My puppy ate a bone at dinner time uses who, what and when questions.  

The students enjoyed completing a sentence stretching activity about a member of their family or one of their teachers.  


Literacy Rotations 

The students thoroughly enjoy our 2 hour Literacy Rotations on a Tuesday morning. All students spent time reading in a guided reading group with their teacher where they learnt another CAFÉ reading strategy. This week we were focusing on checking for understanding as we read. The students had to stop after reading a certain amount of text and answer the questions who did you just read about and what happened? As well as reading with the teacher, the students completed 5 other activities. 


These included sorting nouns into people, places and things, writing a story using a picture prompt of magic keys, listening to a story on the laptops, reading to self and rainbow writing with their weekly spelling words. The students work through the activities in the order they choose. They are very independent during these sessions and enjoy working through the various activities.  


 The Year 2 students are currently investigating the unit of inquiry “Who We Are”, where they inquire as to how a balanced lifestyle is influenced by the choices people make. Last week the students read a selection of non-fiction books on healthy diet and then recorded the title of the book they’d read, the author and listed three pieces of information from the book. They also brainstormed as many natural foods as they could for each letter of the alphabet. They did such a terrific job on both activities. 

This week they will be recording how and for how long they keep active each day. The following week the students will be preparing their speaking and listening learning task on a sport that they will present to the class using cue cards.  


 Last week the students enjoyed completing an ANZAC day craft activity. We were also very proud of the student’s and their focus and attention during our whole school ANZAC ceremony.