Year 1 News

Welcome to Term 2

The Year One children have returned from school holidays more settled, independent and confident after successfully completing their first full term of school ever! No Remote Learning, what a relief!


This term we welcome a new class member to 1A.  We know you will join us in warmly welcoming Max and his family to the Beaumaris North Primary School community!


Our first Unit of Inquiry for the term kicked off last week.


The Year One students are exploring “How we express ourselves”,with a focus on how“People express themselves through stories”.

Lines of Inquiry the children will be investigating are:

  • The way stories are told  
  • The reason people write stories  
  • The way we explore culture, beliefs and values through stories

The past fortnight the children have enjoyed learning all about Fairy Tales. The first fairy tales explored were ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. The students enjoyed creating a Venn diagram, contrasting and comparing the attributes of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, using adjectives. The students continued putting their knowledge of adjectives to practice later in the week, creating a list of words to describe the troll from “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”.


Last Friday the students were encouraged to take part in a short role play, playing the part of either a Billy Goat or The Troll, performed in front of their peers, as the teachers narrated the story. As you can see from our video, it was A LOT of fun!



During Term 1 the whole school student population was introduced to The Zones of Regulation. Zones of Regulation is an approach used to support the development of self-regulation in children


All the different ways children feel and the states of alertness they experience are categorised into four coloured zones. Children who are well regulated are able to be in the appropriate zone at the appropriate time.


We have been encouraging the students to use their own laminated 'Zones' card to identify their feelings and level of alertness. This is a quick, quiet and non-threatening way for the students to share with their teachers how they are feeling at any given time.


This Term we will be delving further into each zone, providing students with a range of strategies they can ultilise to help self-regulate and stay in an appropriate state of alertness for optimal learning.


Please ask your child to explain their knowledge of the zones to you. 




Visit from Levi’s Blue Tongue Lizard


Levi (1D) brought in his pet blue tongue lizard this week and shared his knowledge about the interesting reptile. As you can see, the children were most delighted with this special visit. Thank you Levi and family!

Maths - Friends of 10

In Year One the children have been developing their knowledge of "Number Bonds" through developing their fluency in 'Friends to 10'. This plays an integral role in helping develop their numeracy skills and create connections with other mathematical concepts.

You may wish to consolidate your child's understanding of a Maths Game that we have explored, "Make a Ten Memory".