Prep News

SMART Spelling

The Preps have come such a long way in a Term of SMART Spelling! They recognise that words are made up of letters and sounds and they can identify these within words. 

The Words of the Week we have covered so far are: cat, ant, tin, tap, sun, net, leg, bed and dog. Through studying these Words of the Week, the Preps have now learnt 15 letters (c, a, t, n, i, p, s, u, e, l, g, b, d, o and g) since the start of the year. 


We are continuing to revise the letters, sounds and Words and Sentences of the Week daily as part of their classroom learning.



Research has shown children learn to read by engaging in the act of reading by "Reading the Pictures", "Reading the Words" and also "Retelling a Familiar Story".  With this in mind we begin our teaching each year with modelling "3 Ways to Read" using a short picture book.


The Prep children are becoming more confident at changing their Take Home books each day and are building up the amount of time they are “Reading to Self”.


We begin with Read to Self because it sets an essential foundation for creating lifelong readers, writers, and learners who are independently motivated. 

Of all the choices children participate in, “Read to Someone” is often their favourite. Reading with someone helps readers, especially developing readers, increase areas of comprehension, accuracy and fluency. It also increases reading involvement, attention, and collaboration. Children love partner reading and readily participate with books they choose. 


The Preps have really enjoyed reading to some Year Six students on Thursday afternoons as part of the Year Six ‘Take Action Thursday’ program.


Mother's Day Pampering

On Wednesday after lunch, our Mums and special friends come to the Prep Learning Centre for a special Mother’s Day pampering session. 

We decorated the classrooms with pink and silver tablecloths, put some flowers in vases and made our Mums special love heart cards. We also had a chocolate for them.


We gave Mum a massage, put hand cream on, painted her nails, did her make-up and some of us did our Mum’s hair. The Prep teachers thought we did a really good job! They also thought it was very funny!!

We loved spoiling our Mums!


Our Mums and special helpers looked so beautiful when they left.


We hope you enjoy this video of our prep mums dancing.