Student Interview

Student Interview 

With Stevie 2B, Zoe 2D & Eva 2D


What do you love about school?

Stevie- I love when we do handwriting in class

Zoe  - I love my teacher and my friends

Eva  - I love Art

What are you most proud of?

Stevie - I am proud of my reading as it is really improving

Zoe - My family

Eva  - My writing

Who is your hero?

Stevie -  My dad because he is so strong

Zoe -  My puppy Rocky because she is so cute

Eva - My mum

Do you play a sport or have a hobby?

Stevie - I do gymnastics, hockey and swimming

Zoe - I play the violin and I am starting soon gymnastics. I also do swimming lessons.

Eva - I would love to start horse riding lessons or gymnastics

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Stevie - I want to be a famous singer

Zoe - I want to be a teacher or a veterinarian

Eva - I want to be a teacher or a veterinarian too


What did you see recently  that made you smile/be happy?

Stevie- You asking me to do this interview for the newsletter

Zoe - My mum, when I was born I didn't cry so they took me away from my mum and then I cried

Eva - Because I am going on a holiday tomorrow



If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?


 * I want  a puppy

 * A horse

* To be in Mrs Balls grade in Year 3



 * To be in Mrs Balls grade next year because she is funny

* To have 101 puppies

*To go on a holiday with my family and pets

 I have tadpoles and i used to have a rat!

Zoe Stevie & Eva
Zoe Stevie & Eva


* A puppy

* A horse

* A bunny, I used to have a bunny but we sold her because she ate all the grass.



What was your favorite thing that you did in the school holidays?

Stevie- I went to Queensland and watched lots of movies

Zoe -  I had 2 Easter egg  hunts

Eva - Easter and eating eggs