Upcoming Events

School Photos
POSTPONED to TERM 3 - information on how to order your 2022 photos can be found on the 'Parent Information' tab.
Meet the Teacher Evening - TODAY
From: 330pm - 530pm
Please arrive at school & head to your student's classroom/s for a 3:30pm start.
If your student travels home via taxi or bus, you will need to make arrangements to collect them from school or from home/bus station - please be aware, there will be no staff supervision of students from 3pm and students need to be picked up by at 250pm.
P&C will be cooking a BBQ, and will have Sausages/bread & drinks available for purchase - $2 each. It will be cash only.
Mother's Day Morning Tea
The RNSS P&C would like to invite all Mums, Grandmas or significant others to a Mother's Day Morning Tea on Friday 6th May!
- WHEN: Friday 6th May @ 10am
- WHERE: Bella Via Cafe (376 Dean Street)
- P&C will provide scones. Drinks are available for you to purchase
- RSVP: 29th April. Please contact the office or send us a message on Facebook if you would like to join us.
When RSVPing - please let us know your drink order, so we can pre-order it for you
P&C will also have a Mother's Day Hamper to win - for your chance, please bring a gold coin donation on the day.
Egg my House
To receive an Egging please contact Liz (details below). She will send you the form to complete for the Egging. To complete your donation please follow the link to donate directly to the our teams' Rockhampton Relay for life page.
Enjoy the Egging!!!!
Liz0488 444 830