Captains Corner

By Daivik 6F

Dear GWPS, my name is Daivik, and I am here to inform you about some important events that will be taking place soon at school. Firstly, as you know, this week is Cultural Diversity Week! We had a special assembly on Monday, guided by the CIS captains. It was wonderful to see the cultural dances, hear the amazing music and learn about different cultures through elaborately decorated calico pieces. On Tuesday, the year 4 to 6 learners completed their first Math Games or Maths Olympiad paper. These exams are a great way to test mathematical knowledge and learning from the classroom. They contain challenging questions which make students dig deep and draw back on deep learning. 


On Wednesday, we had our school photo day! Parents will have the opportunity to order photos of their child and their class to treasure for years to come. To celebrate Cultural Diversity Week, we will be wearing cultural dress or orange on Thursday. In the classroom, we will also be making a second calico piece to accompany our home learning. Finally, on Friday, school band will be starting again! After 2 years in COVID, when we could not have band, finally, it is back up and running. To make it even more exciting, we have our new music teacher, Miss Cecconello. What a busy week! 


Thank you very much for taking the time for reading this issue of the newsletter. Have a great time at school!