Notice Board

Cobram Conversations- Spotlight on Kids
Central Australia Tour
Due to the recent withdrawal of Senior School students, there are up to 6 places still available for any students in Years 9-12 who still wish to get on board.
Tour dates: - 25th June - 4th July (last week of Term 2, first week of holidays)
Cost: Approx $1000 (to be confirmed once final numbers are confirmed)
**NOTE: payment will be due by May 31st**
If you are interested, please contact Mr Jones at the College ASAP for details. It promises to be a fabulous tour of the icons of Central Australia!
Wanted- Old Plough Discs
The metal work department are seeking donations of old plough discs for students to make projects out of. If you can help please contact Mr Anthony Powell at the college.
Social Netball at Cobram Stadium
Local Sporting Champions Grant
Are you 12-18 years old and competing at a State, National or International level and travel greater than 250km (return) to attend?
If so, the AIS Local Sporting Champions program provides financial assistance in a one-off grant payment of $500 to each successful applicant.
Applications are now open for Round 1 of the 2018/2019 financial year and will close on June 30, 2018.
For more information please see:
Nappy Drive
Blue Bird Education Centres are collecting Nappies for the nappy collective which distributes nappies to those in need of some support. Whether it’s a family affected by domestic violence or floods/fires the help is certainly needed. We have collection points at both our Bluebird Centres on Broadway Street and Mookarii street Cobram.
2018 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)
Cobram Secondary College is proud to offer our students the opportunity to participate in the following ICAS assessments:
Mathematics: Tuesday 14th August : cost $9.90 closing date Fri 25th June
English: Tuesday 31st July : cost $9.90 closing date Fri 25th June
Every student entering ICAS receives a certificate acknowledging participation. Students are eligible for awards including High Distinction, Distinction, Credit, and Merit.
Students with the top score in each subject in each year level are awarded a medal and a medal winner's certificate.
Over one million student entries are accepted from over 6,300 schools in Australia and New Zealand annually. In addition, students from over 20 countries including Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the USA participate in ICAS each year.
ATAR bonus points
Medal winning students in their final two years of schooling also qualify for a bonus Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) Point which can be used toward undergraduate degree programs at the University of New South Wales.
All assessments will be carried out at CSC under teacher supervision.
If students are interested please collect registration forms from the main office or contact Mrs. Jane Grenfell on 587 11700.