
NEVR Music Camp
In the last week of Term 1, an excited bunch of our music students embarked on a trip to this year’s region music camp in Beechworth. We had a fun-filled, hard-working three days of music making, culminating in a grand finale public concert in the Beechworth Town Hall. Our students participated in the Junior Concert Band, the Senior Concert Band and the Jazz Ensemble. They all represented themselves and our wonderful school admirably, many taking on some leadership responsibility amongst the student population. The camp is a fantastic opportunity for music students from all around the North Eastern Victorian Region to get together on an annual basis to work together to make awesome music. Music Camp 2019 is highly recommended to all CSC Music Students.
Congratulations to Amelia Williams, Christine Magill, Cameron Johnston and Mitchell Hawke who all received special certificates for attending the NEVR music camp for 5 of more years in a row!