Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp at Howman's Gap
On the 18th of April, 68 students, the College Council President and 5 teachers embarked on a journey to the YMCA Howman's Gap Camp. Both students and staff were eager to form working relationships, get to know one another and experience new challenges with the support of one another. There were many firsts, laughs, fun, challenges, compromises and understanding developed. From the first night away from home, or the first trip to the mountains, to the first rock climbing experience or canoeing on Fall Creek…. The camp gave all students a chance to experience a ‘first’ in a safe and supported environment. Everyone bonded together and got out of their comfort zone… this is the unique opportunity this camp offers. Below one student has stated her top 5 moments:
Top moment number 1 is……… The giant swing. The giant swing is my top moment, because it was the most action-packed thing of camp it was so action-packed because of the way that when you let yourself go you got swung into the air so fast and that when they went to stop you, you nearly tipped them over because you were still going so fast.
Top moment number 2 is…………… The high ropes course. The high ropes course is my second top moment because of the way that when you up onto the top of the cat walk and you had to walk to the end and then had to turn around and go back to middle of the cat walk you just let all of your cares fly away, when you got back to the middle of the cat walk and sat back in your harness you got put back on the ground. It was so exhilarating.
Top moment number 3 is……………… Archery. Archery was amazing, how we all learnt new things on how to hold the bow and how to put the arrow into the bow, I did Archery at the end of the day, so it was getting cold, so we played a game when we were waiting for our turn. The game was probably not as good as the archery, but it was close to being as fun as it.
Top moment number 4 is………… Rock Climbing. Rock climbing was awesome, so of the people in my group get to the top of the rock wall, when you got the top of one of the sets of rocks when you got to the top you had to squeeze the rubber chicken, on another set when you got the top you had to oink the rubber pig and on the other set you had to ring the bell. You also had to hold another person in the group up so if they fell off the wouldn’t go flying to the ground.
Top moment number 5 is…………… Scatergories. Scatergories was the best thing that we did at night, it was amazing because of the way that everyone got involved and had a go. Some of the other things that we did at night were we had the choice to watch a movie or go and play in the games room on the second night and on the first night in between each Scatergories letter we had either a dance challenge or a physical challenge.
Thank you to all staff and parents that communicated before the camp to ensure all students were well informed, prepared and organised for a successful experience. It is the work that occurs in planning and supporting students prior to camp that makes it a positive experience.
Above all thank you to Ms Sattler, Miss De Moel, Mr White, Miss Parker and Warrick (Woz) for giving up your time to ensure the students had a fabulous time; your enthusiasm, flexibility and generosity is remarkable.
Mrs Black
Middle School Leading Teacher