Sub School News


As part of our SWPBS (School Wide Positive Behaviour Support), students are taught our College values through sub school assemblies and classroom teachings. This month, students have been learning about the value of Integrity. Students have been learning about what Integrity means, how to act with integrity and how to show it at school. Living with integrity means being honest, doing the right thing, admitting mistakes and learning from them, consistently following the school rules and always completing work to the best of your ability. When students act with integrity at school, this leads to future success in the work force and out in the real world.


Attendance Matters

At Lyndhurst Secondary College, we recognise the importance of coming to school every day. Students should aim to have attendance greater than 85%. Studies have shown that students who miss only one day a week are severely impacting their education. One day a week equals two weeks over a term, eight weeks during the school year, and 104 weeks over their entire schooling. Quite simply, missing one day a week equates to missing two and a half years of schooling! If you know your child is going to be away, contact the school, by logging onto Compass or contacting the office, and make sure you find out what work has been missed from teachers.



This Friday is Athletics Day. Students will compete in track and field events at Casey Fields to earn points for their House. Students are encouraged to wear house colours and support their peers during this day. Please make sure you have consented on Compass, so your child can attend. Following on from Cross Country last term, students who qualified will attend Division Cross Country on the 31st May. We wish them luck as they represent our College.



Over the last week, students in Years 7 and 9 completed NAPLAN testing. NAPLAN tests assess student’s knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy. The results of these tests provide information to staff, students and parents which can be used to support teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement. You will receive your child’s personal NAPLAN report later in the year. Well done to all students during this whole week of testing.



Just a quick reminder that we are half way through term two and all students should be wearing their winter uniform. This includes long navy pants or the winter skirt with our College polo for girls and grey pants and the College polo for boys. Students are not permitted to wear long sleeve (plain white or navy) tops underneath their polos, or hoodies. Students must wear the College jumper and spray jacket only. When students are out of uniform, they are sent to the front office where spare uniform items are lent to students to wear for the day. If families are suffering from financial hardship and cannot purchase winter uniforms, please contact the front office where we may be able to assist you.



Performing Arts

Performing Arts students have begun their rehearsals for the 2018 LSC Showcase. 4C's students have been rehearsing on Monday Lunchtimes and after school on Monday's until 4.30 pm. All other cast members within the Showcase have been rehearsing on Thursday's after school until 5 pm. Students are in the early stages of devising their chosen acts, whether that be rehearsing choreography, dialogue and/ or lyrics. There has been a great sense of team spirit as our students work creatively and collaboratively to help place their ideas into action! Just a reminder that students are required to change into comfortable clothing for after school rehearsals and to always bring and drink water to keep hydrated.