Environmental Team

News from the Chicken Coop

Urgent-Volunteers needed! All weekends are available

Each weekend and over the school holidays, school families volunteer to go on the chicken duty roster to look after our school chickens. We are now leaving our chickens out in their run so chicken duty involves popping up to the chooks only once each day to make sure that they have plenty of  water and food. Duty families get to keep all the yummy eggs they collect over the weekend. An information sheet will be provided with all the details prior to your duty.

Please email Mel Kerwin at  mkerwin@sjmitcham.catholic.edu.au  with your preferred dates if you are interested in being added to the roster. First in, first choice of dates. It would be great to have some new families join our roster.

Egg Lotto

The Environment Leaders from Yr 6 have once again started running a fortnightly egg lotto. All the money we make is put back into the keeping of the chickens for buying food and other resources. The first Egg Lotto draw for the year will be next Monday 20 February at assembly. There will be several dozen eggs available to win so get your $1 raffle ticket soon. The leaders will be out in front of the school on Wednesday afternoons from 3:15-3:30pm to sell tickets to parents or students.


This year we will continue to have composting buckets for the senior classrooms and we are very excited to introduce composting to the 3/4s as well.There will be 1 bucket shared between 2 classrooms that classroom monitors will need to empty at least twice a week and clean out to prevent any yucky smells hanging around🤢. Don’t worry, we’ll show you what to do. 😀


By doing this we hope to reduce the amount of food waste we put into our rubbish bins. The only thing we can’t put into the compost is citrus so no orange or mandarin peels please. 

Just ask if you’re not sure.

Joke from the Coop

What do chicken families do on the weekends?
They have peck-nics!


Thanks for your support!

The Environment Team