Learning and Teaching

Classroom Helpers’ Course

We are thrilled to be able to welcome volunteer helpers back into our learning areas! At St John’s we value parent (and grandparent!) support of our learning and teaching programs and would love for you to join us and enhance your children’s learning experiences.

If you are able to volunteer for an hour a week, fortnightly or even monthly we’d love your support. Please speak to your classroom teacher to discuss ways in which you can be of assistance in your particular learning space.

In order to be eligible to assist, we request that you attend a Classroom Helpers’ Course. This session outlines the type of tasks you will be assisting with and your role and expectations as a Classroom Helper at St John’s.

If you would like to be a new Classroom Helper in 2023, you are invited to attend a  

Classroom Helpers’ Course


Thursday 23 February at 9am

in the Lyons Room at St John’s.

A Working with Children’s Check is  required. 

RSVP to Ange Crowe



If this time does not suit, and you would still like to assist, please speak to Ange or send her an email, to arrange another time.

Marathon Club

Begins tomorrow, Tuesday, 14 February!!!!


St John’s Marathon Club starts tomorrow and is open to all Year 3 - Year 6 students. Students should arrive at 7:45am and we will finish at 8:30am each Tuesday and Thursday morning during the school term.

Have you ever wondered what we do at Marathon Club? 

Marathon Club is fun because you get to hang out with your friends and have a good time. It’s good for your health and it helps you with your fitness. It is a great way to exercise. You also get a great breakfast! For breakfast you get toast and milo. On your toast you can have butter, jam or vegemite!!

Every Tuesday and Thursday we walk or run up to Halliday Park and do laps. After we run, we have to add up how many laps we did on the day and we write that on a tally sheet. That also helps you with your Maths! Come and join us! It’s only $10 to help pay for the breakfast for the term. There’s also a member’s T-shirt that you can buy for $10 to wear while you are running. (You can change into your school uniform before school starts.) We’d love to see you there!

Love from The Marathon Club Team.

**Remember to check the Skoolbag app messages for cancellation announcements.**

Welcome to term 1 everyone! The students have been extremely busy with a particular focus on place value and understanding the importance of numbers and how the positioning of a number determines its value.

We have been doing lots of open-ended tasks to challenge their thinking and helping them to provide reasons for the processes they go through to solve an equation. 


Below is a photo of one of our 3/4 students working hard to solve the following question. 

How many three digit number plates can you make with a 3 in the tens column?

When asked to explain their reasoning, the student replied, “I found a pattern, as I know there is the pattern of 30’s in every three digit number, up to the 900’s”.

It has been fantastic to see all the students thinking differently about their math and teaching one another that there are numerous ways to solve an equation. 

We look forward to sharing many more pieces of work with you throughout the year! 

Rhett Masters - Maths Leader


Term Overviews

Our Term 1, Prep to Year 6 overviews were sent out last week, outlining the content to be covered in core areas, specialist teaching, inquiry, wellbeing, student capabilities and Religious Education.  We encourage you to read through these, so that you can keep in touch with the learning intentions for our students this term.  

Meet & Greet

This is an opportunity for you as parents, to share any relevant information regarding your child’s strengths, opportunities for growth and interests with the class teacher. If you haven't already done so, you are welcome to make a booking online for tomorrow Tuesday, 14 February.


Reading Eggs

At St John’s we are using ABC Reading Eggs as an important part of our literacy program. Your child has 24 hour access to Reading Eggs/Eggspress through a unique username and password. This means that students can work at their own pace and explore the Reading Eggs Library of eBooks and activities anywhere, anytime. There are hundreds of fun lessons, comprehensive activities and almost 2000 eBooks. 

Reading Eggs/Eggspress is a web-based learning program that integrates home and school learning via the internet. It is one of the world’s leading educational websites and can be accessed on any computer or tablet device. To access Reading Eggs/Eggspress from home, all your child needs to do is visit www.readingeggs.com.au and click the login button, they can then login using their own user details. These have been given to each student and should be pasted inside their reading logs or diaries.

Reading Eggs/Eggspress is being used in our learning areas on a daily basis and your child would greatly benefit from accessing this program at home as part of their home learning. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have any questions about the assigned tasks. 


Ange Crowe - Literacy Leader
