Fabulous Foundation 

Fabulous Foundation

Term 1 Week 2 - Friday 10th February 2023

We have had a calm and smooth start to Foundation. Both classes are happy, eager to learn and make new friends. Thankyou to all the families for your support in a fantastic first couple of weeks. 

If you need to speak with either Narelle or Michaela, please don’t hesitate to contact us via DOJO to make a time as before school our focus is getting the children calm and settled ready for a day of leaning.  


What we are learning:

Phonics (Little Learners Love Literacy)

We have begun or Little Learners Love Literacy reading program. This has been exciting for all involved. Every morning we run LLLL with a new sound introduced each week.  There was a lot of excitement as uncover our Sound box when has many items that begin with the weekly sound. Eg: Week 2 was ‘M’, we had marbles, a toy mouse, mask etc and the children enjoy trying the guess the sound for the week.  Ask your child what sound they’re learning this week and what was in the sound box? This is a great way to begin conversations about their day at school!


We pay particular attention to pencil grip and having the correct posture when writing. Students will focus on the and letter formations in their writing. This is done through a variety of letter tracing, sensory play as well as using pencils, chalk, and whiteboards. 


Each week we focus on a different story. We learn to make predictions about the text and what we think the story will be about? Can we get clues from the title or picture on the front cover? We look at questioning and focus on the who, what, when and where? Eg: “Who was in the story?”, “What happened in the story?”, “Why do you think the character did that? “Where did the story take place?”. 


This week we will begin looking at numbers 1-5 and matching the numeral with the quantity using concrete materials in the classroom. We will also concentrate and practise the number formations of 1 – 5.


We will begin our unit on “Our community” (families, school, classroom, special places, celebrations, emergency services - people who can help us.) We will talk about what makes each family special. We will focus on different family units and celebrate the diversity amongst our families and the community. The students will begin a family tree of their own families.


Leader in Me

We have been busy making our Personal and Academic WIGS (Widely important goal). We will regularly revisit these goals to ensure we are keeping our goal as our daily focus and talk about working toward achieving this goal. 

Foundation has been working hard to learn the 7 habits at school. Daily they are demonstrating these 7 habits in the classroom and outside. We have many proactive learners in Foundation!

Important reminders


*Healthy lunches and snacks help children concentrate and play throughout the day. Encourage your child to be involved in their own lunch preparation and discuss choices with them. Try to include a variety of foods from each of the 5 food groups. A few students are arriving with very little in their lunch boxes and getting hungry before the end of the day. 

*Daily we have a fruit break, we ask kindly that you please pack your child a piece of fruit or a vegetable to snack on during this time. 

*Please ensure your child has a named school hat to play outside. 

*Please be sure to put on sunscreen each morning before arriving at school. 

* Please have your child’s drink bottle filled with water only



Foundation Photos