From the Principal 

Our Vision

Each child has a gift or talent. It is our job to find it and to show it to them.

Our Mission

Identify the talent, develop the confidence and create the leader.


 What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?

A New School Year

The start to the new school year has been seamless. The new students and staff have blended as though they were always with us. New friendships have been made and lots of laughter can be heard at break times. Classrooms are stimulating and orderly. It is a privilege to be a member of the Le Page Primary School Community. 


New Literacy Programs

This year Foundation to Year Two teachers have added a new learning approach, to complement the Reading and Writing instructional models. Little Learners Love Literacy is a structured and explicit program, teaching phonics 45 minutes daily. This evidenced-based approach will lift student learning outcomes in Reading and Writing, and by Year Three, students will have greater mastery of basic language skill sets. The teachers were trained last year and were keen to implement the program. For students requiring additional support we have introduced another layer. Mini Lit is a program linked to LLLL, again targeting phonics. Identified students are provided extra time in 1:1 or small group sessions of explicit teaching. Feedback has already been positive from both students and staff.


Student Leadership

Last week the school and house captains were elected by students. All candidates gave clear, relevant and inspiring speeches, even moving some staff members to tears. 

School Captains: Sahana and Lucy

Vice Captains: Riley and Seb

Red House Captains: Melis and Jake

Blue House Captains: Flynn and Clara

Green House Captains: Patrick and Zara

Yellow House Captains: Kiri and Josh

The captains will be leading assemblies and sporting events. 


School Jobs 

Each term jobs are advertised across the school. Applications closed today. Interviews will be conducted next week. This term jobs vacancies are for:

  • Librarians
  • Radio Announcers
  • Cleaning Crew
  • Technology Housekeepers
  • Sport Equipment Housekeepers
  • Newsletter Editors

Lighthouse Team (Student Representative Council)

Next week class elections will be held for students wanting to be Lighthouse team members. The tenure is for one semester, so that more students can participate in this important role. Previously members have made major decisions regarding special events and purchases e.g., choosing their preferred play equipment.


Annual Family Picnic Night. Fri 17th Feb 5.30 pm - 7.30 pm 

Next Friday all families are welcome to come together for a meet and greet picnic. This will be the perfect opportunity to make new friends and to catch up with old friends. There will be some fun games organised for the students, teachers and parents. It will be a BYO picnic rug, food, drinks (no alcohol please) and a good sense of humour.


Compass Payment / School Stationery Supplies

Thank you to everyone who has already paid for their 2023 parent payments and voluntary contributions. These fees go towards classroom consumables and online subscriptions. Your voluntary contributions are going towards school improvements including updating our first aid room and school grounds.  If you are having any financial difficulties please don't hesitate to contact the office to pay with installments. We have also had a few students who have not supplied their school stationery for the year. This is needed for your student to participate in all aspects of learning in the classroom. Orders are still welcome through out supplier KAKA KIDS - Enter LPPS8342 in the guest area. If you have decided to supply your students stationery via purchasing elsewhere, please ensure you have supplied all necessary items including handwriting text books etc. All late orders through KAKA will be delivered to the school ASAP once payment has been made.


Notice of election and call for nominations for School Council

Following the closing of nominations, a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school. If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the school. Should the number of nominations exceed the number of vacancies, a ballot will be conducted and close at 4.00 pm on Friday February 24th. The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election were posted on Compass last week.


School Assembly

In Term 1, school assemblies will begin at 3:00 pm each Friday on the basketball court, weather permitting. The students lead the assembly, report on what they are learning and presented with awards. The students also perform. This is a great opportunity for the school community to come together to celebrate our journey.


Thought for the Week

The earth has music for those who listen - Shakespeare


George Danson 
