Art /Cultural/ Music / PE & Health/Library 

Specialist News 


Visual Arts

In Visual Arts last week, all students decorated their front cover of their Visual Arts diary. Foundation students focused on the art elements of line and shape, where they used a whiteboard to follow teacher directed instructions to create a picture. Year 1 to 6 students also focused on, line and shape where they traced their partners face through a clear screen using a whiteboard marker. Students were then able to look in a mirror to help them draw their own self portrait. 








Culture Studies

In culture studies, all students decorated their culture studies book. Foundation students were introduced to culture studies, where they will be exposed to different cultures around the world. Years 1 to 6 students continued to discuss and explore different cultures around the world. All students were introduced to the Italian culture this week, where they drew or wrote about what they know and would like to learn about Italy. 




PE and Health


Each week all students (each class) participates in one Health and one PE session. During the Health lessons, all students will be exploring and discussing the Department of Education’s RRRR (Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships) program. This program covers 8 big topics which include Emotional Literacy, Personal Strengths, Positive Coping, Problem Solving, Stress Management, Help Seeking, Gender and Identity and Positive Gender Relations. This program is extensive and will be taught over the first two to three terms. It is a great program with great student discussions which you can further discuss and explore at home.

This week we started with Emotions and reading other peoples body language to get an idea of how they feel and how we can respond to, manage and support their feelings.

For PE in week 1, students were introduced to the expected behaviours and expectations when participating in PE classes. We played a number of minor games to introduce the expectations which has a key focus on listening to the whistle and instructions and waiting for the magic PE word ‘Go’ before they start following the instructions.

This week in PE, students in Foundation continued to develop their understanding of the PE expectations again with some minor fun games, while students in years 1-6 worked on their catching and throwing skills of underarm and overarm with tennis balls and larger balls, moving onto playing a game of kickball.


Well done everyone on making such a great and positive start to the new year, I’m looking forward to working with everyone throughout the year.


Jarrod Bradley

PE/Health/Sports Coordinator






The first two weeks in the library have been very successful: the library started up again for 2023, kids have borrowed books and we are so excited for what the library has in store for us! 

Many students have applied to be a library leader this year, and interviews will be held soon. We cannot wait to see who will be in our library team for this year.


Thank you so much to everyone who has helped so far. Keep reading and have a lovely weekend!