School News

iPad deposits required for all Year 3 – 6 students in 2023


At Hackham East Primary, iPads and digital technologies are used throughout the school to enhance learning. Students in year levels 3 to 6 are allocated an iPad at the beginning of the school year. 


iPads are used within the classroom as a powerful learning tool to assist students with researching information, accessing resources and educational apps, and publishing their learning pieces. 


These are provided by the school at a significant cost to our overall school budget as each iPad costs over $500 and we are required to upgrade them every 3 - 4 years.


From next year we will require a $75 deposit/bond for each child in Year 3-6.


Should your child lose or damage their iPad throughout the year, be that at home or at school the safety deposit will be used toward repair/replacement of the device and you will be invoiced any additional costs. The initial security deposit of $75 will then need to be repaid. 


When your child graduates or leaves the school, you will be reimbursed your deposit and have a period of time to collect this from our Finance Office. A letter to remind you of this will be issued.


We will send reminder letters via your child and email early in the 2023 school year to remind you of this new requirement.


For parents who have already paid a $50 deposit will only be required to pay the additional $25.


If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to call me to discuss.


Kind regards,

Ms Sally







If your child has any health/medical challenges please complete a Health Care Plan via your GP and provide a copy to the school ASAP, preferably to Lee in the front Office. These need to be updated each year and all medications must be kept in the front office, not in students school bags. Please make sure any previous years medication kept in the office has not expired/is out of date.

We are a ‘Nut Aware School’ – whilst we do not ‘ban’ nut or other allergen foods at our school, please be mindful if teachers communicate that there is a child with a severe allergy in your child’s class to provide alternatives if you can. Please check in with the teacher if you have any questions regarding this.


Thank you!