From the Acting Principal
Ross Pritchard
From the Acting Principal
Ross Pritchard
November and December each year are full of transitions and change. Current students begin Headstart programs where they transition to the next year level. New friendships are made as students change class groups and begin new subjects. With these new connections begin new interests or an extension of existing hobbies. New students to the school experience the biggest of changes as they transition to their new school and the associated changes: uniform, timetables, facilities, travel etc. Staff transition to new teaching allotments, they meet some students for the first time, and they move offices to suit the 2023 program. School leaders move to different roles and take on different challenges.
Change is the one constant in life. Change is occurring faster today than ever before. Change is not easy at times. Transition from one stage to another can place us outside our comfort zone. Self-regulation, self-awareness, and the ability to adapt are all important coping skills. As adults we can assist others through transitions by providing academic, social and extra-curricular strategies. One thing is for certain, doing nothing is not an option. Thank you to all our staff and student leaders for managing the end of year program and providing targeted assistance to those who have needed it.
Planning, planning and more planning. There is a notion that too much planning can get in the way of implementation. This is certainly not the case as staff plan for 2023 at the same time as implementing the 2022 program. This week our Leadership Team has formulated the 2023 Annual Implementation Plan. Our Engagement Team has spent a day setting up Year Level Statements, Tutor Group programs and student support networks. The Curriculum Leadership Team consisting of Learning Area Leaders have met to map out new study designs, teaching schedules, differentiation strategies and assessment schedules. Concurrently, the teaching staff have continued to implement the Headstart curriculum as well as designing semester 1 programs next year.
Orientation Day for a student coming to Auburn High for the first time is a significant event. On Tuesday 13th December we welcome our new class of 145 Year 7 students. Staff and students will spend the day meeting each other, navigating the building, learning about the routines and high expectations and completing some fun activities. This is a big day for the students and I am confident that they will find a safe environment where they can flourish.
Orientation Day for new staff is this week. We have seven new staff and three returning staff in 2023. The student population has grown to 720 students. The new Victorian Government Schools Agreement has led to changes in staffing allocations for each school and it is exciting to add to our expert teaching staff. New staff will spend time being ‘Auburnised’. Collective efficacy and consistent teaching practice is ensured by a comprehensive induction process. Auburn High School staff have worked hard for many years to have an established academic, extra-curricular and wellbeing program and this will be passed on to the new staff, and students.
Finally, Monday 12 December is VCE results day. Our 70 graduates are waiting nervously to receive the message detailing their results. The school will welcome them back with a morning tea on the day. Robyn Boardman, our amazing Careers Coordinator, Angelina Wong, Year 12 Leader, and all the staff will be on hand to assist and celebrate. Keep an eye out for media releases that are applauding the impressive achievements of our students.
All the best with your holiday planning and the gift purchases. Until next time.