Performing Arts

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise. Psalm 98:4
This term has been extremely busy in the Performing Arts Faculty, with many performances filling the BPAC and LMC with music and laughter.
Year 5 Instrumental Concert
The Year 5 Instrumental Concert provided students with the opportunity to demonstrate all that they have learnt throughout the year in their instrumental lessons. The audience of parents was impressed as the whole year group combined as a band, playing pieces written specifically for the Concert Band. Each instrument also gave a demonstration and the concert concluded with an arrangement of some songs made famous by the band Queen. All students were inspired by a performance from the Senior Concert Band. We look forward to what will be achieved in years to come.
Year 2 Strings Concert
Each Year 2 class also held their own Strings Concert to entertain their parents with their music. Lead by the experienced instructors, it was obvious how much the students enjoyed their music making, as they took the audience on a trip around the world. There was also a performance from Andante (Year 3 string ensemble) to show the Year students what lay ahead if they kept learning their instrument.
Parents were also treated to an open Strings ensemble rehearsal, where Cabaletta, Ostinato and Malaguena all performed / rehearsed a selection of pieces and demonstrated how a rehearsal was run with warm-ups and exercises. The instructors seemed to be having as much fun as the students!
Performer of the Week
This term our Performer of the Week has continued in Chapel. One special performance was presented by five boys who formed an a cappella singing group in recent weeks. Named Fearless, they performed I Want It That Way (Martin/Carlsson arr. Howe). Their flawless harmonies and slick moves were received by students, teachers and parents alike with cheers and thunderous applause.
Prep Nativity
The Prep Nativity is a highlight of the Performing Arts calendar. The many special guests, parents, staff and students were eagerly anticipating a great performance and they were not disappointed. The students were confident as they shared the Christmas story in spoken word, song and movement. Prep students were skilfully accompanied by the ensemble Vivace, which added another element to the entertaining and thought-provoking performance.
Prior to the Nativity presentation, the Junior Performing Arts Captains led the Chapel Service, which included vibrant performances from the Cherub Choir, who also helped Mr Clarke lead worship with a well-known carol.
Year 6 Graduation
The Year 6 Graduation was a special time for our Year 6 students and their teachers. In addition to their academic achievements, students who had given years of dedicated service to the Performing Arts in various music ensembles were acknowledged. The Year group also performed Together Forever from the production Madagascar JR.
Junior School Final Assembly
The Junior School Final Assembly is an important event and featured the experienced Junior ensembles in their final performances of the year. The Junior School Orchestra, formed by combining Malaguena and Con Il Respiro, was bolstered with a selection of Year 5 students who had achieved a level of proficiency on their woodwind or brass instrument. The large ensemble commenced proceeding with La Rejoissance from Music for the Royal Fireworks (Handel arr. Meyer) and accompanied the school in the National Anthem and some carol singing. They then performed Slingshot (Michael Story) to rapturous applause from the audience.
The Cherub and Seraphim Choir filled the LMC Auditorium with harmonious voices performing Touch the Sky (Mandel / Andrews arr. Huff) and Never Give Up! (Rollo Dillworth). The Junior Vocal Ensemble capped off a wonderful year of performances, presenting an a cappella version of I’m Gonna Sing (arr. Andy Beck) and Glorious (Mabey arr. Fukuda). The latter song featured the Year 6 members of the ensemble as soloists.
Presentation Evening
The Senior Ensembles worked hard towards their performances at Presentation Evening, with extra rehearsals showing the dedication of our College musicians and thespians.
The Senior Orchestra featured a piano solo in their complex and sonorous performance of Howl’s Moving Castle (Hisaishi arr. Pyeon).
Camarata and the Senior Vocal Ensemble combined to present a very moving song to open the evening, Hear our Prayer (Sorenson). To hear such a rich string sound with these beautiful voices was a delight for all in attendance. They also provided the accompaniment for the School Song and National Anthem.
Camarata featured a violin soloist in the Violin Concerto Op. 64 (Mendelssohn), played sublimely by both soloist and ensemble. The Senior Vocal Ensemble performed Beautiful City from Godspell (Schwartz arr. Huff), communicating their message with skill and conviction.
It was obvious that the audience thoroughly enjoyed both presentations from the cast of The Little Mermaid, as they transported us back to the world under the sea.
What a fitting end to a wonderful year of Music and Drama performances!
Jeffrey Clarke
Head of Performing Arts