What Did You Do At School?

Wow! It has been an amazing end of term for our school community with our Prep Nativity performance blessing many. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing the story of the birth of Jesus. We immersed ourselves in exploring this story, our roles in the play, and even making crafts to bring this experience alive.
We loved meeting our Year 1 teacher, finding our new room, and meeting our new classmates and enjoyed all the end of year activities.
Year 1
We have been learning about life in the past and identifying how things have changed or stayed the same. We were privileged to have Mrs Joyce Simpson, a previous teacher from our school, talk to us about her childhood. She showed us historical artifacts such as old-fashioned coins and a telephone. We enjoyed watching her demonstrate how to write with chalk on a small blackboard and noticed the differences between our handwriting and hers. We listened to many stories of the adventures she had as a child, including the games she used to play and her favourite lollies. But most of all, we loved that Mrs Simpson told us that God made us special and prayed over us.
Year 2
We proudly presented our Writing Bonanza work to our families and peers. We were so surprised by the number of positive comments we received, while parents and buddies were impressed by our presentations. This term in IT, we have been exploring robotics and have loved working with the Edison robots and programming their movements. The highlight of the term was designing a maze for our robot to follow using the light and inferred sensor.
Year 3
To our wonderful Year 3s,
Congratulations on a fantastic school year! You have all grown and matured so much, and we are proud of your achievements. From fun at Polly Woodside and mini golf to your first school sleepover, we have been on some great adventures. We will miss the special community we have built together, but we are excited to see you continue to grow. As you transition into Year 4, we know that God has placed you perfectly for this next season to thrive and flourish. We would also like to extend a big thank you to all families connected to Year 3. All your support has been valued this year, and we are grateful to have been a part of the journey helping develop these champion students.
And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith… Hebrews 12:1-2
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Mrs Rodgers and Mr Ashmore
Year 4
Can you believe our time in Year 4 is at its end? From uncovering what makes up our identities to designing our own islands, from celebrating Twosday to sharing our incredible writing. From Rickrolls and the Gritty, to Pancake or Waffle! From Just Dance to the Secret Kindness Crew. From horse riding to imagining our lives sailing the seven seas on Polly Woodside, we have had an AMAZING year!
We are so very grateful for all the memories we have made this year with our special students. This year has been one of growth, learning, and all sorts of silliness that we are sure to remember for a very long time. We would like to take this opportunity to thank each student for the hard work you have put in this year, and every family member for entrusting us with your children. Our prayer for your holidays is for you to rest, reflect and refuel with all sorts of Christmas delights ready for your adventure next year in 2023.
Miss Berry and Miss Newton
Year 5
What an incredible year it has been. Students have finished strong with the Writing Celebration and Shark Tank presentations to their Buddies. It was amazing to see the families at the event supporting all the hard work students have accomplished this term in writing. The Buddy classes were blown away by the creativity as students wowed them with their business ideas. Our students made a short pitch to them based on the market research they had gathered and surveyed, hoping they would choose their idea to invest in. It was a lot of fun!
As we conclude 2022, we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to every family in Year 5 who made this year so special. A whole year with no lockdowns for these students, for the first time since Year 2, was a great achievement. We couldn’t be more proud of this group and know they will do amazing things in 2023 and beyond!
Bless you all and Merry Christmas!
Mr Rodgers and Mrs McDonald
Year 6
We cannot believe that this amazing year is ending! We loved setting up our writing projects and welcoming our parents and friends to view our creative ideas. Over the last week, we were busily preparing for our Graduation. It brought us so much joy to reflect upon how much we have grown and celebrate what we have achieved over our Junior School journey. We loved bonding over the delicious food, our sweet Prep photos and humorous moments!
Looking back on this year, Mrs Heckathorn and Miss Gaiser are blown away by how much kindness, faith and care have been shown -
The Year 6 Class of 2022 should be immensely proud of how they have grown as a community and how they have become more confident in their God-given identity.
Swipe across to the Year 6 Graduation page for a beautiful display of photos from the dinner and ceremony.