Year 11 Chemistry - Swinburne Masterclass

Year 11 Chemistry Excursion to KIOSC – Analytical Chemical Techniques
On Thursday 20 October, we took a class of Year 11 Chemistry students to KIOSC, Swinburne University, for a VCE Masterclass, which explores different analytical techniques that were used to investigate the organic compounds within water samples.
Students learnt about the principles and applications of using analytical techniques and instrumentation to evaluate environmental water samples to determine the presence of any salt or organic compound contaminants. The techniques and instrumentation that were used are UV-visible spectroscopy, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), Gas chromatography – Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS), Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), to identify any salt or organic compound contaminants and determine their concentration within the sample solutions. Students had to prepare and analyse a set of standard solutions over a concentration range through a HPLC, from which they will construct a calibration curve, which was used to determine the concentration of the contaminant of organic compounds. They were given a specific scenario to analyse environmental water samples, looking for possible contaminant compounds from local mining and pharmaceutical companies. Students gained lots of understanding of the operation and theoretical application of these techniques, which greatly aids with their understanding and learning outcomes in the subsequent year.
All students found the hands-on experience of viewing and utilising the analytical instrumentation valuable for the consolidation of the theoretical knowledge acquired within the classroom. Most enjoyed the opportunity to physically practise and conduct the experimental techniques independently, with some support and guidance from the facilitator.
Vinita Seago
Senior School Teacher