Year 9 Round Up

It was a very busy last couple of weeks for Year 9s as they participated in several different programs to conclude the year. Teachers also had some creative lessons to finish off the year, particularly after exam completion and report writing.
Students had a hot chocolate and cookie morning on Thursday 24 November to celebrate exam completion. Following is a round up of some of the other activities.
Dave Burt from Sport And Life Training (SALT) came and delivered an interactive presentation about mental health / wellbeing and peer pressure / decision making on Wednesday 30 November. Year 8s joined us for this confronting, reflective session that had students in discussion, watching videos and hearing about Dave’s great work with SALT.
Mr Josh Gaschk and Mrs Danielle Bruce visited our boys and girls respectively in conclusion of our gender Home Group series. Boys were encouraged to be the men of honour God created them to be and girls were encouraged to take charge of mental health through various strategies, including Christian-based mindfulness, meditation, prayer and reflection.
A Self Defence practical session was held on Thursday 1 December, with guest instructor Vincent Busuttil from Ultimate Martial Arts. Students were encouraged by his story, learnt about being safe in the community and practised some last resort self-defence strategies with partners. Detect, diffuse, deflect and finally defend were valuable words learnt and recommended chain of survival steps in sticky situations.
Middle Years' Leaders celebrated their achievements with a bout of Laser Tag at GAMR Chirnside Park before morning tea and Kris Kringle Steal game. Even though Chloe Daly (9.19) and Andrew Barker (9.21) were the main successful snipers on the day, all students had a great time. I thank them again for their efforts in 2022.
On Friday 2 December, we went to Ringwood Pool and then Chirnside Park Minigolf, on a warm day. The main reason for the pool visit was preparation and screening for the 2023 Year 10 Aqua Camp. Activities included water safety tips, water entry methods and water mobility skills, 200 metre swim test, treading water time trial and snorkel skills, and not to forget the splashes from the creative dives and bombs from the diving boards! Minigolf saw students form groups of four playing against each in the outdoor course, before an icy pole and assembly at the end. Mrs Nicole Bell (formerly Latham) was back from her glorious wedding and honeymoon break to organise the great day for us. This camp will be a memorable one and students will be in great hands with her excellent Year 10 coordination in 2023.
At the end of the day, we farewelled, with student speeches and prayers, Noah Wyatt. We thanked him and other students who are leaving for other schools, for their contributions and we wish them well abroad in 2023 and beyond. They include Ava Van Haaster, Samantha Love, Jeremiah Liu, James Ray, Junxi Lin and Gabe Sharkey.
Various Presentation Evening practice sessions, at the BPAC and dress rehearsal at Monash, saw students practise how and where to stand, walk, shake, turn, enter and exit stage. They were all well prepared for their presentation to the College community for graduating Middle Years. Well done Year 9s!
The last school day included a session of games, BBQ, student awards and photo slideshow. With all their belongings in tow, students farewelled their classrooms that will be removed shortly after they leave, to be replaced by the shiny new Middle Years building. Although they will miss using this new space regularly, I’m sure they’ll be ready for the Senior Years building and challenges ahead!
Gavin Fox
Year 9 Coordinator