Mini Vinnies

Within the 5/6S Mass on May 7th, the Mini Vinnies students were commissioned into their roles, made a pledge of service and received their badges. Congratulations to these students.

3/4D Mass

This Friday, 3/4D will lead the Primary Mass focusing on Pentecost. This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost is called the birthday of the church because before Pentecost, there really was no church. Jesus had ascended back into the heavens, the Apostles were scared and confused, and nobody knew what to do. Going out to baptise people and preach about Jesus was the last thing they had in mind because their lives would be in danger.

Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit – the force that turned a group of frightened and confused people into church. There was a rush of wind, tongues of fire, and then suddenly there was courage, knowledge, direction and commitment! Everyone started speaking and was understood, no matter what the language of the listener was! These were saints suddenly on fire with the Holy Spirit.

Families and friends of 3/4D are invited to attend the Mass on Friday, 21 May at 9:15am at Sacred Heart Church.

Catholic Schools Week 

23 to 29 May 2021

Sunday 23 May is the beginning of Catholic Schools Week. This year we acknowledge that Catholic Education has been part of this country for over 200 years as we celebrate the bicentenary of the first Catholic school established in Parramatta in October 1820.

A national theme, “Faith in the future” has been developed for the 200 years celebrations. The theme reflects the core purpose of Catholic education to form students in their faith, and to provide an education that enables our graduates to make a meaningful contribution to the world. The theme reflects our commitment to build on the great work of those who have come before us, and to provide a Catholic education for future generations of students in a world that is rapidly changing and poses new challenges for Catholic school communities. Yet, we have faith that we can face these challenges and continue to build on, and strengthen our mission of Catholic education.


What's Happening at Holy Trinity

  • 24 May - Year 10, Mrs Rainger and Miss Bailey to Armidale for CSW Mass in Cathedral
  • 25 May - CSW Prayer Assembly
  • 26 May - Open Day for 2022 Enrolments
  • 27 May - Picnic Lunch at 1:10pm


The Sacrament of Confirmation has been confirmed by Bishop Kennedy as being on Saturday, 29 May at 3:30pm. Please note the change in time!

On Friday, 28 May, Bishop will meet with all the candidates at Sacred Heart Church from 10am to 12noon. At this time we will also have a practise with the students about some of the formalities of the Mass.

Candidates are reminded to wear white clothing and to be at church at around 3:15pm.

For the Calendar

Term 2 2021

21 May - 3/4D Mass 9:15am SHC

23 - 29 May - Catholic Schools Week

25 May - CSW Prayer Assembly

26 May - Reconciliation for Confirmandi 9:15am SHC

27 May  - Picnic Lunch at 1:10pm

28 May - Confirmandi meeting with Bishop Kennedy 10am to 12noon

29 May - Sacrament of Confirmation 3:30pm SHC

4 June - Trinity Mass 9:15am HTS Hall

11 June - Year 9 Mass 9:15am SHC


Enjoy the week,

Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator