From the Assistant Principal

Welcome back.


Welcome back to all of our students, staff and families. We have great plans for the Term ahead and it's been wonderful to see all classes starting with enthusiasm. It was particularly joyous in the yard on Tuesday as there was a noticeable celebration to be back at school for another term. 2020 certainly taught us to be grateful for stability and the 'expected'. On the holidays I was fortunate to book in some babysitting and head into some Comedy Festival shows - the ability to sit in a theatre and enjoy the arts is not a privilege I will ever take lightly again. If you have a chance to get out and support those in the Performing Arts industry please do, they certainly need it after this last year and we ALL need some music, dance, action and laughter in our lives! 

Kalinda 'way back when'.


Recently, we were digging back through our archives to find some paperwork and it was an opportunity to be well and truly distracted by some of the fascinating artefacts of Kalinda over the years. In a few years, we are looking forward to being able to celebrate our 45th anniversary in style. 


Some of the artefacts we found were fascinating (like this one!)


And some gave us a this excerpt from a newsletter - who would have thought that approximately nothing has changed in some parts of the school since 1982!!!!!

Excerpt from Kalinda Newsletter No.28, December 7th 1982
Excerpt from Kalinda Newsletter No.28, December 7th 1982


This is a great chance to implore everyone once again to clearly name all uniform items! 



I thought I would ask some of our newest Kalinda students what they would like someone to say about them in 39 years time, I think you'll love their answers! 


Will, Nate, Noah, Rose and Alice from Foundation R
Will, Nate, Noah, Rose and Alice from Foundation R


Will: I'd like people to say that I'm a really fast runner and that I'm clever. I think when I am 43 they will say I am great at bird watching.


Nate: I think people will say I am fast and that I am good at being friends with Patrick. I hope people will say I'm kind and stuff. 


Noah: People will say that I know heaps of stuff about the army (because I do you know), and that I quite like staying at home. I will be a mechanic. I would like people to say that I am very kind. 


Rose: People are going to say that I'm really fast and that I am really good at reading. I hope that people will think that I am nice. 


Alice: People will probably say that I am very forgetful because I do forget things. They'll say that I am especially good at cheering up my little sister Lily. I hope people will say I am kind. 



We are kind. We are resilient. We are respectful.