School Council

School Council Update
Hello again Monty families,
I hope you are all well and getting back into the swing of term 2 - the positive vibe around the school is so uplifting to see, all the students seem happy to be back with friends and getting on with their work.
School council met earlier this week, and our group was buzzing from all the activity in our school recently. Firstly, a tremendous thanks to everyone who braved the rainy Sunday morning and attended our first working bee - a LOT was accomplished and it gave our grounds a much needed lift. The Easter Parade was a wonderful finale to a big first term, there were so many awesome hats on display through all the year levels. My crafting skills cannot keep up! Thank you for supporting the easter raffle, both with donations and ticket purchases - we raised over $4,000 which goes straight to the playground fund.
Our first outdoor movie night last week was also a huge success, and we couldn’t have asked for a better night with clear skies and a community buzz that we have truly missed. The intention was to make a great night out for families rather than focus on fundraising - however we did raise around $1900 for the playground. So thank you to everyone who came along, and especially to our Grade 6 students and the volunteers who ran the BBQ, candy bar and popcorn station. We should be hearing more about work on the playground soon too so stay tuned!
Down to business, and council has endorsed the 2020 Annual Report to the school community. The report will soon be available on the school website and I encourage you to have a read. It looks a little different this year due to limitations in the information that is available for reporting, but it does talk about our achievement, engagement, wellbeing and financial performance. I think it is a wonderful acknowledgement of all the hard work that goes into our school from our teachers and staff, and also the amazing community of families we have here at Monty that make this the wonderful school it is.
We were presented an overview of the Child Safe Standards and policies, which are due for review this year. All school staff undergo annual training on the Child Safe Standards and their responsibilities. But for all of us as adults in the school community, we have a responsibility when it comes to keeping our children safe and report anything that we might become aware of. You may see some of the posters around the school classrooms as reminders, and there is also information available on the school website for further reading.
We hope you can join us for Mother’s Day Breakfast on Friday 7th of May to celebrate all the amazing women in our children’s lives. Check the compass feed and place your orders by this Sunday 2nd May - the menu looks delicious!
Take care and stay well,
Nicole MacDonald - SC President