Students of the week

Term 2 - Week 2
Lewis C - For being a writing whizz! You always try your best and challenge yourself to write extra sentences. It’s delightful to see your imagination shine in your writing and drawings. What a star you are!
Kaleb D - What an incredible start to Term 2 you have had. I am so impressed with your commitment and progress with your sight words. Your hard work and positive attititude is wonderful to see. Keep it up Kaleb!
Lachlan H - For following class routines enthusiastically and having a red hot go with all of your learning tasks. You have also been a caring friend who includes others and is happy to play with all. You are amazing Lachlan!
Georgia W - You have had a wonderful start to Term 2 Georgia! Your energy and positive attitude is contagious and we love having you in 1A. You have also been a maths superstar, solving lots of addition problems using different strategies, well done!!
Eva O - Eva consistently demonstrates all our school values! She has returned to school in Term 2 with a positive attitude and readiness to learn. Eva is an enthusiastic learner and goes above and beyond to help around the classroom. Keep up the amazing effort Eva!
Henryk J - For outstanding effort and concentration in the classroom. The work that you are producing, and your level of understanding is a joy to see! Henryk, your learning this week has been amazing! Keep up this great effort Champ!
Ffion A - Ffion, you have started off the term with such a positive attitude towards your work and your classmates. You always put your head down and get the job done and are always willing to help others.
Lydia N - What an amazing start to Term 2 Lydia! You are a superstar both inside and outside the classroom. You always approach every task with a positive attitude and I love how enthusiastic you are during class discussions. Keep up the great work!
Lionel S - For your incredibly creative letter from an ANZAC! You were able to use all of your senses to capture exactly what it would have been like to be in the war. I love how you always push yourself to use interesting vocabulary in your writing. Keep up the amazing work, Lionel!
Axel W - Axel, you can turn a frown upside down, anytime, anywhere. Congratulations on being such a positive and honest person who helps others look on the bright side of things.
Leon P - Wow, Leon! You have had such a wonderful first week back after the holidays. I am so proud of how settled in the classroom you are. Keep it up!
Bonnie L - Whenever you see anybody in the classroom or schoolyard feeling down or disappointed, you always make an effort to comfort and reassure them. Empathy is a wonderful quality that you display and one that you must never lose. Congratulations Bonnie!
Isobel C - Isobel, you are an absolute joy to have in the classroom. You care about others and are always so encouraging. I am equally impressed with your immaculate book work. Fantastic Isobel!
Yve E - You have made a fantastic start to Term 2! You always complete your work to a high standard, you have been participating in class discussions more and you did a great job demonstrating the split strategy to the class. Well done!
Austin M - has made a great start to Term 2. He always tries his best and has worked hard to produce a persuasive letter to Mrs Worsam titled, ‘We need more iPads for our classroom’! Let’s hope his ‘persuasive powers’ work!
Miette C - Miette you have made an awesome start to term two. Your persuasive writing piece was so organised and you used persuasive language beautifully. Keep up the good work kiddo!
Rafael F - For his constant drive to improve and share his writing with his class. Raf has challenged himself throughout the year and created many detailed and descriptive narrative and persuasive pieces that showcase his love of new and interesting words. You’re a star!