Grade 5/6 Students 

Celebrating our fantastic Fives and sensational Sixes!

5/6A - Miss Morrison

5/6A students have been working on their Maths Learning Goals. They are asked to complete the My Numeracy task related to their goal and then upload their ‘evidence’ to Seesaw – proving that they have learnt their goal!

Thalia chose to teach the class a game that supported her Learning Goal – she wanted to use this as her ‘evidence’. This was a great opportunity for the students to learn with and from each other! 


5/6B - Mr Jared

Identifying Angle types in Artworks

Tyesha B
Tyesha B

Identifying Angle types in Artworks  

Valeria S
Valeria S

5/6C - Mr H

Description: In 5/6C, we have begun to explore angles through the use of protractors. We have investigated different rules around parallel, intersecting and perpendicular lines and how they can help with the calculation of unknown angles. We started creating our own angle artwork, which has also helped us practise our addition and subtraction strategies. 








