Grade 2 Students 

Celebrating our terrific Twos!

2A - Miss Meagan and Mrs Bird

2A had an informative session with Scott Eastwood on the importance of ANZAC Day and were able to look at and explore lots of items that Matilda's Great Grandfather had saved from during war times. It was extremely informative and engaging. Thank you to Scott!                                                                                    

Keith N and Connor J
Keith N and Connor J
Harlen H
Harlen H
Eva C
Eva C

2B - Miss Bailey and Mrs Hunter

In writing the grade 2's have been learning all about biographies. In 2B we paired up and interviewed each other and then created biographies about our classmates

Josh S and Harper N
Josh S and Harper N

In maths we have been learning about different mental maths strategies. 2B is learning to quickly recall maths facts such as tens facts and doubles. This week we turned a good old game of Go Fish, into tens facts Go Fish. 

Luca C, Ella B, Leon R and Lydia N
Luca C, Ella B, Leon R and Lydia N

2C - Mrs Mac

In 2C, we learned all about the ANZAC soldiers. We used our senses to imagine what it would have been like to fight in the War. Then, we wrote letters home from the perspective of a solider.