Leadership @ MPS

Welcome to Term 2.
What a fantastic start to Term 2! Congratulations to all of our students who have returned ready and eager to learn!
Family Movie Night
What a fantastic turnout for our first ever movie night! It was definitely worth the wait! When we were planning for this event, bringing together the whole school community was always our main focus. After a disrupted and isolating year last year, we know how important these events are to everyone in our community. The weather was the best it had been all week and the rain held off! While we were hoping to break even with this event, we were blown away to still manage to raise $1900! A highlight of the night was seeing all the children jump up and have a dance along to the music at the end of the movie. Thank you to all of our parent helpers, student helpers, school staff and our amazing admin team who pulled the whole night together seamlessly. Finally, well done to all the students for their exceptional behaviour on the night and for being so respectful of people around them and leaving the oval very tidy.
Mother's Day Breakfast
This year we are back to hosting our annual Mother's Day Breakfast on Friday 7th May. We all know that our amazing Monty mums and carers deserve a special treat, so this year we are outsourcing our breakfast and we have booked a coffee cart, the 'Little Happy Hut', to come and serve barista coffee and delicious pastries between 7:30-9:30am. To be a part of this breakfast you must make a booking! Bookings strictly close on Sunday 2nd May and we will not be able to take any more orders after this date. We will have tables and chairs set up al fresco to accommodate as many people as possible, so please rug up! We can't wait to see you there! Our children will be working on a small project during Art class as a gift- ssshhhhhhh, it is meant to be a secret!
The Resilience Project Parent Webinar
Our students constantly remind us of the benefits of the Resilience Project program that is embedded in the learning at MPS. Teachers frequently observe children using terrific strategies that assist them when they are interacting with others, when they are problem solving and when they are learning in the classroom!
We are thrilled to have booked an online parent seminar delivered by Martin from The Resilience Project on Tuesday May 11th from 6:30-8:00pm. We will not be charging for this event, simply click on the link below and settle in with a cup of tea to hear from an inspirational group of people. Not to be missed!
Programs offered by The Resilience Project are based on the following strategies:
Gratitude - Appreciating what you have, not begrudging what you don’t.
Empathy - Thinking of the needs of others/kindness.
Mindfulness - Being present in the moment, not becoming distracted by unhelpful or negative thoughts.
During this presentation, Martin will share his experiences and combine them with practical strategies that can be implemented everyday to improve overall wellbeing.
TRP Parent Webinar link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85486163058
Choir Performance-this coming Monday at assembly, 3pm!
School Photos - Thursday 6th May
By now you would have received information from MSP photography and Compass regarding school photos. All photos can be ordered online and paid for online. If you are wanting to order a sibling photo, this must be ordered by midnight Wednesday 5th May as only sibling photos that have been ordered will be taken on the day. For more information and to order, please click on the link in the Compass portal. Please ensure that your child is correctly dressed in school uniform on the day.
Student Attitude to School Survey
On Wednesday 19th May, we will be conducting the Student Attitude to School Survey via the online portal provided by DET. This survey, completed by students in Grades 4-6, provides us with information that reflects our students' school experience, from wellbeing and engagement, to curriculum and more. This information is used by school leaders to guide our goal-setting at a whole school level to ensure that our students feel as thought they are heard and belong at MPS, and that they are challenged and supported in the classroom.
Fundraising Update:
We are still working towards raising funds for an additional playground near the staff carpark. This is somewhat delayed as a result of the catch up, post COVID. We will get there and it will be worth the wait!
Important Dates:
Please see our 'Important Dates' page for a full overview of the rest of the term.
Stay safe.
Janene Worsam