Grade 2/3

Term 1

We have come to the end of Term 1 already. So much has happened to begin our school year. It has been great to see how well the students have adapted to the learning environments. Enjoy a much deserved break. We are ready for Term 2! 

We have put together a small video highlighting one of our favourites from this term. Los Exploradores. This program will continue next term however each week will depend on weather conditions. 



End of Term Inquiry open classroom

It was great to open our classroom doors to families today to share our Inquiry learning for the Term. Students worked super hard on their Seesaw presentations reflecting on how well they cared for their classroom plant. It was so nice to have students planting their sprouts with their families in the veggie gardens. 


What a night! The turn out was absolutely incredible. Thank you so much to parents who helped to prepare for the event and also to those who helped and performed on the evening. A special mention to Florence on her amazing Flamenco performance.  

Parent Helpers

Thank you to parents who have provided expression of interest to help with reading in the classroom. We will put together a timetable which will be sent out via Seesaw with all relevant information. 


Cass won her grand final!

Happy Holidays!