Artes Visuales 

(Visual Arts)


The F/1s have been busy over the past two weeks! We finished building models of our school using cardboard and oil pastels. The students started by brainstorming ideas for what they would like to see in our school when the NPS renovations begin next year. First they drew their ideas, and then worked with their whole class (and their partner class) to build a cardboard model of our future school!


We also started a self-portraiture project this week in which we looked at some artists who are famous for drawing and painting self portraits (including Frida Kahlo). The students started drawing their own self-portraits and will add colour with watercolour paints next lesson. They are looking great so far!



The 2/3s are almost finished with some mixed-media collages they are making, based on the concepts and illustrations in the book 'El Monstruo de Colores'. The students have each chosen an emotion and decided which colour best represents that emotion for them. We have talked about how the symbolic meanings of colours can differ from culture to culture, and from person to person, and the students have been encouraged to express their own interpretation of what mood or emotion their colour represents. The drawing/collages are coming along great!



The 4/5/6s have been working hard to finish their unit on poster art. Students have been drawing, painting, and/or making stencils as they work on their own poster designs. The students have come up with some very inspirational slogans and ideas for their posters which has been amazing to see. We are excited to start our new unit on digital art next term!


Spanish Fiesta!


Cass and Bess had a great time running some Art and Craft activities at the Spanish Fiesta. Students and families made weavings, decorated piñatas and constructed some mini sombreros- it was a lot of fun. We were enjoying ourselves so much that we forgot to take any photos! If parents or families have any we would love to see them :)