From the Rector
Australia has always been known as the lucky country. At times we can fail to acknowledge this reality as we whinge about our life, like the role out of the vaccine, and yet we are in a far better place than many others. Currently, we only need to see the pictures and read the statistics to know how our brothers and sisters, particularly in India, are suffering enormously from this coronavirus.
Like me, I am sure you feel overwhelmed by the enormity of this situation and wonder what can we do. This is a time to trust and believe in the words of Jesus that he is with us throughout our journey of life. In adversity, we should not lose hope or be discouraged but come closer to the one who promises us that he is the Good Shepherd loving and caring for us, especially those who are suffering. What we can all do is pray! So let us join in loving, prayerful solidarity with our sisters and brothers who are suffering and pray that nations will respond with the necessary aide. This week our College Character Strength has been ‘Love’. Jesus calls us to love our neighbour, so I invite your family, or in your personal prayer, to recite the following:
God's Healing Hand
To our brothers and sisters who have contracted and are suffering due to the Coronavirus Disease, we pray that God’s healing hand may rest upon you.
To medical doctors, nurses and the supporting staff who are in the frontline of the fight against COVID-19, may the Good Lord sustain you and inspire you to render your life-saving services with due care, love and compassion.
We convey our deepest sympathies to all those who have lost their loved ones due to the Coronavirus outbreak.
We pray that their souls, through God’s mercy, may rest in eternal peace.
We pray that God may grant all bereaved families his consolation and strengthen their faith and hope in Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord.
On behalf of our Mazenod College Community we pray a Happy Resurrection with health and joy to all our staff, families, and their loved ones, wherever they are, as they celebrated Orthodox Easter on Sunday May 2.
This weekend we celebrate the gift of our mothers. We thank them and we ask God’s blessings on them as they bless us each day with their love and care for us. We also remember and pray for our dear mums who have run their earthly race of life and are now enjoying their eternal peace and reward in God’s presence.
On Tuesday, May 4, our College welcomed the first group of Grandparents to our college to celebrate the special bond between grandparents and grandchildren. Our enjoyable time together included a welcome, prayer, tour of the College, morning tea and lunch. We look forward to second group next Tuesday.
To celebrate Mother’s Day, we prayed with the gathered mums at our College Mass on Thursday May 6. This prayerful time together was followed by an enjoyable morning tea in the canteen. On Friday evening, May 7, a "Sold-Out" crowd will gather at Mulgrave Country Club for the Mazenod College Mother’s Day Dinner. We especially look forward to welcoming the Mothers who are new to our College this year.
This week we continue with Part 3 of the Rector Reflection – A Journey from Eugene de Mazenod to St Eugene de Mazenod.
Have a Smile!
Two policemen were out on patrol and called the station on their radio. "Sergeant, we have a serious case here. A woman has shot her husband dead for stepping on the floor she had just mopped." "Have you arrested the woman?" "Not yet sir. The floor is still wet."
Yours in Jesus Christ and Mary Immaculate,
Fr Harry Dyer OMI