Principal's Post
Dear Parents,
When the O’Rourke Building was re-opened after refurbishment in 2019, the concept of a Study Hall to accommodate senior students after school was initiated. This year the numbers have grown significantly and the resource has benefited students during school hours as well as in the after-hours Study programme. VCE students are supervised and assisted with their study routines, which hopefully will improve learning outcomes. Student courses are becoming more diverse. The Study Hall accommodates students for various reasons. Some students are completing VCE over three years; others have a combined Year 11 / Year 12 programme; others because their studies include a TAFE or University component; others have already achieved high study scores in a couple of 3 / 4 studies and others are strategically managing their studies to accommodate pastoral or health reasons. To optimise the benefits of Study Hall clear rules and guidelines have been created.
Our tutoring programme was implemented in Term 1 and students from years 7 to 11 have benefitted from the small group sessions focusing on literacy and numeracy. This term, students have been invited to attend the subject-based classes added to the programme, which are conducted after school. All students in Years 7 to 10 are welcome to seek support in the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays as another option to the numeracy and literacy tutoring service.
During the week, nine Victorians were selected as part of the Australian Under 21 Men’s Hockey Squad. We were delighted to hear that Trent Symms (Year 12 2020) was one of those successful athletes. The squad is heading up to the Gold Coast to attend a training camp in preparation for the 2021 Junior Hockey World Cup.
The ACC presented the “Recognition of Service Awards” this week and three Mazenod staff members were recipients of the awards. Ms Joanne Caird for her dedication and contribution to Public Speaking and Debating (2020); Mr Noel Jenkinson contribution to Chess at an ACC, State and National Level (2021) and Mr Matthew Johnson for coaching over 30 years of Football (2021) were all honoured at the Presentation Evening on Thursday.
The first Grandparents Day occurred for Year 8 students and their grandparents this week. The activity included a tour of the College, a music recital and lunch in the College Cafeteria. It was fantastic to be able to host our guests and enjoy their company once again.
As a lead up to Mothers’ Day, several Mums joined us for Mothers’ Day Mass in the College Chapel. After Mass, our guests enjoyed breakfast with their sons. The traditional Mothers’ Dinner Dance is scheduled for tonight and this year Gerard McCulloch has kindly accepted an invitation to host a panel of Mums on the evening. A report on the evening will feature in next week’s newsletter. In the meantime, I would like to wish all Mum’s a happy Mothers’ Day for Sunday.
Please ensure you pencil in Thursday May 20 on your calendar. It doesn’t matter if you are a parent of a Year 7 or a Year 12, the Information Evening on Visible Wellbeing by Professor Lea Waters (in the Provence Centre), is not to be missed. We are expecting a huge crowd. The college is committed to the programme focussing on the Science of Positive Psychology which is designed to benefit staff, parents and students. This evening is for you and we have no doubt you will find it invaluable.
Finally, our Year 10 students are organising their work experience at the moment. Some students are finding it difficult to obtain a placement, which is understandable, as many workplaces are restricted due to COVID-19. The majority of students have managed a placement but several will be accessing the Virtual Work Experience format which is designed to be industry-specific. This format is not as good as the real thing but the programme is quite sophisticated and will provide a worthwhile experience for those participating.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Tony Coghlan