Monday 3 October
Start of Term 4
Tuesday 18 October
Last Day Year 12 classes - as normal
Year 12 Pancake Breakfast (from 7.30 am)
Uniform signing
Staff/Student Sport Match
Wednesday 19 October
Year 12 Festivities Day
Wednesday 26 October
Year 12 Exams START - English Exam
Tuesday 1 November
Melbourne Cup Day
Wednesday 9 to Monday 14 November
Year 11 Exams
Tuesday 15 to Thursday 17 November
Year 11 into 12 Retreat
Friday 18 November
Student FREE DAY
Monday 21 November to Thursday 1 December
Year 11 into 12 Orientation
Friday 2 December
Year 11 Awards Ceremony
Thursday 8 December
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner & Presentations
Thursday 8 December
Palladium at Crown
7 pm to 11.30 pm
Cost $125 per person
$50 per child (12 and under)
Bookings CLOSE on Tuesday 18 October
Please VISIT the school website for BOOKINGS
Senior VCAL Morning Tea
On Tuesday 6 September the Senior VCAL class put on a morning tea for the special people in their lives and were given the opportunity to present their successes from the year.
The students all spoke brilliantly about their year highlights which included activities such as Magenta Fire Training, Barista training, running an event day for Yarra Ranges Special Development School, fundraising events and running Breakfast Club for the year. Along with their presentation, the students supplied delicious treats for all those who attended.
The day was very successful and the entire senior VCAL class should be extremely proud of their efforts on not only this day but also their amazing achievements throughout the year.
Year 11 VCAL fundraiser- BBQ and Bake Sale
On Thursday 8 September, the Year 11 VCAL students ran a fantastic fundraising event which featured a number of stalls including ‘Big Freeze’, a sausage sizzle, toasted cheese sandwiches and a Bake Sale. Around $700 was made and the profits will be donated to MND research and Coldstream Animal Aid. Students learnt a lot about budgeting and organisation.
The Countdown is on!
The end of Term 3 has meant many final SACs for the Year 12s, starting with the English and English Language SACs held on Thursday 1 September.
It is great to see how much effort students are putting into their final SACs and the smiles on faces when they are done.
As classes are wrapping up content, students have been counting down the days to their last day of classes, Festivities Day and the start of their exams.
There is chalk available in the VCE Coordinators Office to write up what the best part of the year has been so far!
Look after yourself!
A reminder for students during this time to make sure you are looking after yourselves and are maintaining a good balance between study and social life. It can be easy to get overwhelmed with everything that is happening so have things in place that look after your wellbeing including:
- Eating a healthy, balanced diet
- Exercising, even just going for a walk outside
- Mindfulness breathing and/or meditation
- Staying connected with friends and family
- Having a study plan and sticking to it
PJ Day
On the drizzly morning of Thursday 15 September, the Year 12s were warm and cozy in their Pj's and enjoying a morning tea to celebrate all their hard work throughout this year.
A big thank you to everyone who helped put this day together, including Ms Marshall who generously made coffees and hot chocolate for everyone.
Year 12 Physical Education
We were lucky enough to have former LHS teacher/student Tyler Phillips come out from METS Performance Consulting to conduct a practical revision session with our Unit 3/4 PE students.
Connor Smith completed a 30 Second Wingate Test, while Jye Peacock completed a VO2 Max Test.
The session was used as an exam revision session for the students.
Year 12 Revision Lectures
Revision lectures have started for any student completing a Unit 3/4 subject this year. Each subject that is conducting a revision lecture has an event available on Compass with any associated costs.
Practice Exams
Throughout the holiday break, there are practice exams that will be running for all Unit 3/4 subjects.
We are encouraging all students completing these subjects to attend as it is an opportunity to complete an exam under the same conditions that they will be in a few weeks' time.
It is also a valuable chance to get some feedback and understanding of areas that you may need to revise.
VCE Further Maths
Steven and Spencer below, working out the relationship between volume of a prism and volume of a pyramid!
VCE Coordinators